34 Things That Suck About Being A Man (According To 34 Men)
"Society in general doesn't give a fuck about men's problems at all, not even a little."

1. Society in general doesn’t give a fuck about men’s problems at all, not even a little.
“That society in general doesn’t give a fuck about men’s problems at all, not even a little.
Maybe women have it worse, I honestly don’t know and don’t care to compare but at least people care about women’s issues. Nobody really gives a half of a fraction of an ounce of a sliver of a fuck about men’s issues.”
2. Women don’t realize how easy it is for them to get laid compared to men.
“A lot of women don’t realize how easy it is for them to get laid compared to men.”
3. Being blamed constantly for everything wrong with the world.
“Being blamed constantly for everything wrong with the world.”
4. As a man I am socially, legally, and emotionally expendable.
“As a man I am socially, legally, and emotionally expendable. Everything that comes with it, my problems aren’t important because there are other “worse” problems that other nameless faceless groups of people face.
I firmly believe this ideology is why I and many others have so much apathy.”
5. Being told about how much easier my life is by women who have never met me.
“Being told about how much easier my life is by women who have never met me.”
6. My masculinity is ‘toxic’ until a heavy box needs to be lifted.
“My masculinity being considered ‘toxic’ until a heavy box needs to be lifted.”
7. The other gender can falsely accuse us of rape and jail us on their word for years.
“That the other gender can falsely accuse us of rape and jail us on their word for years. Even if they are caught, everyone knows you were jailed for rape, and the news of it never happening will never reach as large of an audience as the news of it supposedly happening. You lose your chances for almost all jobs and your respect from everyone. This isn’t common, but it happens, and the fear of it is strong.”
8. When dating, the female holds ALL the power.
“Females might think about this, but as a teenager, when dating, the female and her parents hold ALL the power. So, I just feel intimidated by asking a girl out, and even more intimidated by seeing her parents.”
9. Apparently, everything bad that happens is my fault.
“Apparently, everything bad that happens is my fault.
Source: a white, heterosexual male.”
10. You can change weight, style, how interesting you are or how you come off, but you can’t change dick size.
“The fact that we’re judged quite often by something we have literally no control over.
Dick size. Big dick=good, small dick=bad.
Literally no control but it makes a difference. You can change weight, style, how interesting you are or how you come off, but you can’t change dick size. There isn’t even surgery to make it bigger.”
11. My penis makes me the bad guy in some cases.
“I’m white. Cis. Straight. Male. If I do so much as offend someone ever, Whether it’s a joke or not, or they think differently than i, or even unintentional arguments… I’m transphobic/homophobic/sexist/misogynistic/racist People are always gona be the first to hop into insulting you when they don’t agree with you. Some people will go so far left theyre even going right-wing about it. Ooooooohhh man when people open that can of BULLSHIT I just so badly wanna end the conversation but im walking on eggshells already with society at that point and i did nothing wrong. Fuckin’ Christianity. Fuckin’ segregation. Giving bad names to the rest of the innocent white people who wouldnt judge your lifestyle. To the people without an evil bone in their bodies.. lol My penis makes me the bad guy in some cases.. idk..i just wish tension like that didn’t exist End of rant Inb4 stupid replies just a rant.”
12. Males have challenges that make problems that females have seem kinda petty.
“Males have such high expectations in society to be confident, macho, be the primary money maker, support a family, be strong and not show emotion. All of this can honestly be really stressful and while ‘the patriarchy’ exists, males have challenges that make problems that females have seem kinda petty.”
13. Every time I go on vacation I always see at least one family that the father just looks so defeated.
“Every time I go on vacation I always see at least one family that the father just looks so defeated. He’s hauling everyone’s luggage the kids are already at each others throats his wife looks like she’s ready to leave him all while he just spent thousands to bring these ungrateful shits to Disney. They are not even half way into the commute and he’s over the trip. Yes, women have to give birth but men have the torture of being the family luggage mule through a airport.”
14. Despite being born to working-class parents of limited financial means, the SJWs tell me that I don’t have to work too hard to enjoy my gravy train.
“Nothing at all. As a white male, SJWs tell me that my white male privilege will continue to open doors for me for the rest of my life. Despite being born to working-class parents of limited financial means, the SJWs tell me that I don’t have to work too hard to enjoy my gravy train, and, they say, I’ll have more opportunity than, say, Obama’s kids (because of the color of their skin).
Yep, being white and male by itself just makes life easy-peasy.”
15. The constant scrutiny over every single thing we do that may be perceived as malicious.
“The constant scrutiny over every single thing we do that may be perceived as malicious.
You’re anywhere near children? PEDOPHILE!
Sitting with your legs apart because your balls are being crushed? MANSPREADING!
Disagree with a woman? MANSPLAINING!
Walking in the general direction of a woman? RAPIST!
Trying to make a compliment or flirt and she doesn’t like how you look? CREEPER!
Turning to look a woman that you think is sexy/beautiful? (even on TV or videogames) PERVERT!
Having a dark sense of humor, being sarcastic or tell an “offensive” joke? SEXIST! HOMOPHOBIC! RACIST!
Saying that a woman is lying about rape or abuse? (even if you have proof) MISOGYNIST!
You are sad/depressed and want to talk about it? MAN UP!
You somehow misinterpreted niceness with flirting? ASSHOLE! ENTITLED!
Trying to talk about problems that men face? YOU MUST BE ONE OF THOSE DISGUSTING MRAS!
Having nerdy interests? VIRGIN!
Talk too little? BORING! Talk too much? DOUCHEBAG!
Not having the confidence to talk to women because of all the above? LOSER!”
16. The discrimination against us by the justice system and family courts.
“The discrimination against us by the justice system and family courts. I refuse to get married, ever, because of it. There’s no way I’m going to risk losing everything I’ve worked for because my (hypothetical) wife has a midlife crisis and wants out.
It’s happened to three of my friends and I don’t want it to happen to me. So I’ll just stay single and casually date instead. I might die alone, but I’ll die surrounded by my money.”
17. You’re invisible.
“Being invisible. This is more of an attractive vs unattractive perspective, but generally even average girls get hit on a lot.
I know that’s annoying to a lot of you, but most men never get hit on.
You may be jaded, and just find it irritating, but even when it wasn’t reciprocated, it was always a self esteem boost when I got hit on.
Appreciate the silver lining where you can.”
18. When it comes to ‘choice,’ men have no choice.
“What happens if you get some chick pregnant and you don’t want a kid with her? What recourse do you, as a man, have?”
19. You have to listen to the shrieking of all the man-hating third wavers.
“You have to listen to the shrieking of all the man-hating third wavers.”
20. The double standards.
“The double standards.
Woman pinches a male stranger’s ass? Laughs and giggles. Man pinches a female stranger’s ass? Sexual assault charges and ‘perv!’ comments.
Woman assaults man at home? Man gets arrested and removed from his own house. Man assaults woman at home? Man gets arrested and removed from his own house.
Woman talking to stranger’s kids in the park? Ok. Man talking to stranger’s kids in the park? He’s a perv/pedo and needs to be arrested.
And don’t get me started on how the child custody system is weighted in favor of the mother.”
21. Shy girls are cute. Shy guys are weird.
“Shy girls are cute. Shy guys are weird (shy as in hasn’t said a single word in 30 mins shy).”
22. Having half the nerve endings in my dick chopped off because ‘tradition.’
“Having half the nerve endings in my dick chopped off because ‘tradition.’
Would liked to have had a right to bodily integrity like women have.”
23. Men rarely if ever get acknowledged by society for just being.
“Men rarely if ever get acknowledged by society for just being. Women deal with catcalling and harassment, which definitely sucks. Guys however deal with practically being invisible. Going months, or years without getting a single compliment or acknowledgement of their existence.”
24. I can’t get too many hugs without assuming like I’m creepy or am trying to flirt.
“The fact that as a man I can’t get too many hugs without assuming like I’m creepy or am trying to flirt, I just really like hugs.”
25. The entire legal system is stacked against you if you get charged with having done anything to someone of the opposite gender.
“The entire legal system is stacked against you if you get charged with having done anything to someone of the opposite gender, but a small, influential and vocal group that’s culturally prolific enough to be taken seriously has campaigned for decades to make people believe the opposite so if you don’t have enough money for a lawyer at all times throughout your entire life then you can have it ruined by any randomer who cares to level a rape allegation.”
26. Doing anything considered feminine (especially in the South) can mean social and even familial rejection.
“I think one that many people don’t think about is the simple truth that I didn’t choose my gender. As a guy doing anything considered feminine (especially in the South) can mean social and even familial rejection. Also, having women tell me I should feel bad about being a guy and the privilege it comes with sucks and can honestly be damaging. Yes, being a guy means in many areas I have it easier but that doesn’t mean I’m comfortable being a guy or being accociated with common social expectations.”
27. Men have emotions too, but most of the time we have to suppress them.
“Men have to prove themselves every day to someone…Spouse, Girlfriend, Children, Parents, Friends, and the Boss. This gets tedious and weighs on your heart. Men have emotions too, but most of the time we have to suppress them. Men (and women) are still children who need and want acceptance a live. Rejection is devastating.”
28. Men face a lot of problems and inequality but it falls on deaf ears.
“That men face a lot of problems and inequality but it falls on deaf ears. Imagine if a woman was beaten by her husband and was told ‘quit being a wimp’ or she was raped and no one took her seriously with comments of ‘at least you got laid.’”
29. Pseudo-feminism and the culture of man at fault has a noticeably detrimental effect on day-to-day social interaction for me.
“Pseudo-feminism and the culture of man at fault has a noticeably detrimental effect on day-to-day social interaction for me (and perhaps other men). It might seem funny, but the fear of persecution for what would (I think) never normally factor in daily life, purely because of some childish media panic or teenage attention-seeking, has negatively affected my life.”
30. Not having someone to go to when you get depressed.
“Not having someone to go to when you get depressed.
I don’t really know if this only goes for guys, but it is impossible to have a guy friend you can be emotional with. I have never once seen one of my guy friends cry nor have any of them seen me cry, but myself and some of my other friends have gone through deep cycles of depression, and we feel like we can’t show each other emotion. I’ve never had a deep emotional talk with anyone outside my family, and luckily my girlfriend who has really been my only outlet for emotional distress.”
31. Men are seen as worthless, disposable.
“Men are seen as worthless, disposable. Only through your career path, prominent family, wealth, income or exceptional accomplishment are you valued by others. If you suffer violence its shrugged off, if you suffer psychiatric problems you’re seen as weak and pushed away. You are automatically going to be subject to greater suspicion, punishment and targeting by police. You will targeted for use in war to die, be dismembered and/or destroyed psychologically. You will be targeted for high risk jobs of high physical labor and dangerous environmental hazards. When you are physically, emotionally abused no one is going to give one shit about it.”
32. Men are seen to have an undignified social role and reputation foisted upon them regardless of what they actually say and do as individuals.
“We men are disposable. There is very little support or regard for our feelings from any quarter, our actions are routinely assumed to be EXCLUSIVELY motivated by sex – almost no matter what the action is – and we’re manipulated and toyed with as a matter of routine.
Society treats men badly in a lot of ways it takes for granted as “normal”. Ads show men as incompetent stooges in a way that would scandalise women. My girlfriend’s female buddies can talk shit about me without her saying a word about it, and I just have to groove on it, in a way that would never stand if it were my buddies talking down my girl. I keep hearing I should “be a gentleman” from people who want to manipulate me into doing something for them, and to whom the reciprocal idea of “being a lady” literally means nothing. When I do something considerate, I am openly teased for being “well-trained” in a way that women don’t have to tolerate.
There is no queue of people waiting to help us with our homework. There are very few people on the end of our phone when we get fired or our pet dies. Whenever someone is having a bath run, candles lit, and dinner prepared after a hard day at work, it is overwhelmingly a man doing it for a woman – give a man a bag of chips, however, and he’ll think it’s Christmas.
The list goes on, but basically men are seen to have an undignified social role and reputation foisted upon them regardless of what they actually say and do as individuals, and have to tolerate a lot of bullshit that women wouldn’t put up with for a single minute. See “paying for everything on dates” for more.”
33. Men don’t have the built-in support system that women have.
“Men don’t have the built-in support system that women have. Many of us never receive physical contact or affection after maybe the age of 5– people never compliment us– many of us don’t have a single person we can open up to emotionally.”
34. There will always be a large amount of people who will insist the success you achieve is due solely to being a white male.
“No matter how hard you work, the shit you have to persevere through, and obstacles you have to overcome, there will always be a large amount of people who will insist the success you achieve is due solely to being a white male.”