32 People Describe Their Super-Creepy Neighbor
1. He threatened to kill my dad because our pet rabbit was being too loud.
“When I was seven, our next-door neighbor came pounding on our front door to scream at and threaten to kill my dad because our pet that we kept in our backyard was being too loud. The pet was a rabbit. A rabbit.”
2. I put pansies on my front stoop, and she called the cops and told them that I was growing opium poppies.
“The neighbor I live next to right now. Middle-aged woman with two small kids.
I put pansies on my front stoop, and she called the cops and told them that I was growing opium poppies.
Another time, while paying the pizza delivery man (he had to restart his debit machine so he was standing there a good minute or so), she ran into my lawn screaming, ‘SIR? ARE YOU ALRIGHT? IS THIS WOMAN HOLDING YOU HOSTAGE? DO YOU NEED HELP? SIR?’”
I hate her.”
3. My aunt comes into our house in the wee hours of the morning and steals the stupidest shit.
“Ah my time has come! So my aunt lives next door to us. Which would be all fine and dandy, but she’s a sociopath. The house we live in was hers and my father’s growing up, and we (dad mom brother me) moved in with my grandmother ~10 years ago. My aunt would come get my Nan’s keys to ‘fill her car with gas’ and copy the house key. My aunt would then come into our house in the wee hours of the morning, and steal the stupidest shit. We didn’t notice for a while, but then our new shampoo bottles would be empty suddenly, our paper towels and toilet paper would be gone, our food, silverware, and cups would be gone. Then, my mom’s jewelry would be on the stairs coming down from the bedrooms, like it was dropped on the way out. One morning, I was wide awake around 2:30am for some reason, and I heard what I assumed was one of my parents coming upstairs, going in their bedroom across the hall, then a few minutes later going back downstairs. The dog’s tail was wagging and hitting the floor so I wasn’t scared until the next morning when my parents asked if I was up late that night and came in their room. The thing was, she didn’t sneak up or tiptoe or anything- straight up stomped up the stairs and down the hall. She had done this many times, and my dog was used to her coming and was the shittiest guard dog ever. We then changed the locks, and put a special coded door for the staircase. Since she couldn’t go upstairs to watch us sleep anymore, she would come around 5-6 in the morning, just before my mom and I got up for school. Our alarms would go off at 5:45am on the weekdays, and we would hear the front door slam shut and if we ran to the windows we would see her going back to her house. We changed the locks again, and the night visits seemed to stop. I could go on with more fucked up shit she did to us but this is long enough.”
4. One day we came home to a ton of police cars and cops to find out he had attempted to abduct two other kids in the neighborhood.
“Growing up, our next-door neighbor’s adult son lived at home. He was a little odd and would stare at us when we were outside playing. He never spoke to us, just stared, even if we waved or said hi. It was a little creepy, but we had heard he was mentally disabled so we just accepted it.
But one day we came home to a ton of police cars and cops to find out he had attempted to abduct two other kids in the neighborhood.
We weren’t really allowed to play outside after that…”
5. Sometimes he would sit in complete silence, with his eyes closed (meditating?) while slowly eating a whole banana. Whole as in with the peel on.
“My neighbor my freshman year of college was a nice enough dude, but sometimes he would sit in complete silence, with his eyes closed (meditating?) while slowly eating a whole banana. Whole as in with the peel on. It was unnerving.”
6. She kidnapped my cat because it ‘looked cold.’ Didn’t tell me until she’d had it in her house for two days.
“Well, there are two things my neighbor did that qualifies her to be a creepy neighbor.
1: Kidnapped my cat, because it ‘looked cold.’ Didn’t tell me until she’d had it in her house for two days, even though we were home the whole time.
2: Asked my fiancée (at that time, now my wife) what the deal was with all the different girls I have over. There had been none, apart from my fiancée.
Oh yeah, and being around 70, trimming the bushes in her front yard in her bra at 05:30am creeps me out.”
7. Old dude tried to commit suicide via bomb and planned to take the whole street with him.
“There was this old guy, who lived with his wife and his dog a few doors away in a big house. He rarely left his home and when he did, he only took his dog for a walk. He also talked very rarely and seemed to avoid other people, while his wife was somewhat more social. The couple lived on our street for a few years and everything appeared to be fine.
However, someday they divorced and the lady moved away for reasons unknown. The old guy remained with the dog in his house and a few years passed. There was never something suspicious and, aside from his usual strange behavior, everything seemed pretty normal.
One morning, that was approximately nine seven years ago, I left as usual my house to catch the school bus. Our street is relatively quiet and normally there isn’t much stuff going on. But this morning was a bit different. There were a few neighbors on the street and my parents said that there’s something wrong with the old guy, which lived on the end of the street, but nothing specific was known.
So I went to school and didn’t thought much about it. As I returned and exited the bus at the bus stop, I saw that the whole street was cordoned off and evacuated. Police cars and officers were everywhere and even a SWAT Team was there. I had no idea what was going on. I met up with my parents and they explained to me, that the old guy tried to commit suicide and planned to take the whole street with him. He flooded his entire basement with gasoline and had an improvised bomb in his garden shed, which was essentially a big pile of propane gas tanks tied together. A timer clock and a toaster served as the fuse mechanism for both the bomb and the basement. The whole thing was rigged to explode between 7-8 am in the morning. A smaller version of this explosive was placed in the trash bin of the guys who lived right next to this maniac. Obviously, it was something personal.
Before the old man triggered the bomb, he wrecked the entire interior of his house with an axe and then went to the garage with his poor dog, locked the gate and turned his car engine on. He put his dog in the trunk and seated himself in the driver’s seat, waiting to die from asphyxiation before he would be blown to pieces.
Luckily, the plan didn’t work out, because a neighbor heard the car engine and became suspicious. He looked through the garage window and at first thought the man had a heart attack. So he broke the window and entered, only to see the man more or less conscious in his car. At first, he had no idea what was going on, but then he noticed the distinctive smell of gasoline. He broke the door to enter the house and discovered the mess the old guy created. The neighbor immediately called the cops and a bomb squad took care of the explosives just in time. Unfortunately, the dog suffocated in the trunk and was already dead, when the neighbor arrived.
The authorities arrested that guy and put him into a psychiatric ward after the court process. He will remain there until the end of his life. The estimated blast radius of the bomb would’ve been sufficient enough to destroy several houses and do severe damage to the surrounding area.
TL;DR: Old dude tried to commit suicide via bomb and planned to take the whole street with him.
Source (German) Found an article of a local newspaper about the case. This happened apparently in 2010 so I edited the date in my original post.”
8. One time he mentioned to my wife how he can hear us ‘ALL the time’ with a creepy-ass grin on his face.
“My wife and I’s downstairs neighbor, Rob. One time Rob mentioned to my wife how he can hear us ‘ALL the time’ with a creepy-ass grin on his face. Another time she was painting on our porch and dropped a paint brush so she picked it up and saw through the slits of the porch his eyes staring up at her. We have no idea how long he was there for. To add to it he’s married as well.”
9. I caught my neighbor jerking off in the garden, trying to hide his dick behind a bank card.
“I caught my neighbor jerking off in the garden, trying to hide his dick behind a bank card.”
10. My crazy old lady neighbor brought a dead mostly decomposed bunny rabbit over last night.
“My crazy old lady neighbor brought a dead mostly decomposed bunny rabbit over last night. She wants to give it to my 3- & 5-year-old boys so they could take it to daycare.
I should have never shoveled her sidewalk that time….”
11. One day he catches me and tries to shove his finger in my vagina.
“My neighbor was an old 60-year-old man who had been married for like 40 years. He adopted a puppy and I loved going over and playing with her. I was only 8 by the way and my mom would let me go over there alone. He would always be like ‘you’ve been naughty and need a spanking,’ then would try to spank me. Me, being 8, thought it was weird. But whatever he had a cool puppy. I told my mom one day and she didn’t believe me. Until one day she is bent over inside her car putting my little bros in their car seats. Creep neighbor comes up and proceeds to spank her. Mom flips, tells dad, dad tells him to stop spanking his family. Then my cousin (same age) moved in with us and would follow us around our yard. We thought it was like a game of tag so we would run and laugh, while he creepily walked slowly towards us. One day he catches me and tries to shove his finger in my vagina. I scream, my little bro kicks him in the dick, and we run inside. Turns out the dude was a child molester. Surprise, right?”
12. Jared Fogle. No, I’m not kidding.
“Jared Fogle. No, I’m not kidding. He lived in my neighborhood with his wife and kids at the time of his arrest.”
13. Crazy lady likes to set random fires in her yard and screams at helicopters.
“Crazy cat lady, lived in a trailer with overgrown weeds and other brush surrounding it. Had a toilet in her front yard for some reason. One day while it’s pouring rain, she walks down our driveway and gives my dad a cardboard box her exact words were, ‘the Mexican government is after me, I can’t care for these take them.’ Inside were two three-week-old kittens, brother and sister. The brother sadly died from a bowel problem but we still have the female to this day. She’s fat, bitchy and can’t keep her tongue in her mouth and I love her. Crazy lady likes to set random fires in her yard and screams at helicopters. It’s not as creepy anymore since I’m used to her, but when I was little I would always check my closet to make sure she wasn’t inside it for some reason.”
14. I had a neighbor up the street that used to crouch down behind her couch and peer out at me whenever I was working on my car or doing stuff outside.
“I had a neighbor up the street that used to crouch down behind her couch and peer out at me whenever I was working on my car or doing stuff outside. Just her eyes and the top of her head. She must have been crouching on the couch the whole time, sometimes for more than an hour. I knew it was her because she would move around from time to time or leave for a bit, then come back. But I guess she didn’t want me to see her watching me, but I still totally did and they never closed their curtains during the day.”
15. EVERY night we had dinner this guy would be drunk hanging out of his window and cursing my whole family.
“Growing up we had a neighbor whose window was above our ‘back porch’ that was connected to our eat-in kitchen. EVERY night we had dinner this guy would be drunk hanging out of his window and cursing my whole family. one night my mom had enough. My dad was pretty easygoing and wouldn’t ever really say anything to him, so my mom decided she would go outside with a rock and throw it at him. She hit him in the face and it busted open. He was dripping blood and screaming out of his window until the cops came. That was the last time he disturbed our dinner…hooray for Sicilian moms…”
16. He raped something like 100 little girls, but they only caught him after he murdered a 5-year-old neighbor girl.
“Neighbor ‘kid’ who lived behind us when I was young. We thought he was a slow if harmless 14-year-old; he was actually 25 and as harmful as they come. He raped something like 100 little girls, but they only caught him after he murdered a 5-year-old neighbor girl.
He taught me never to dismiss someone as harmless just because other people say he is. If you get a bad vibe from someone always trust it.”
17. He would just show up randomly uninvited and would never leave.
“In college had a guy two doors down from our rent house that was legitimately schizophrenic with auditory hallucinations that he thought was ghost and demons. Unfortunately for us he knew some of the same people as us and went to high school with one of my roommates.
He would just show up randomly uninvited and would never leave. My buddy caught him looking in our windows, too. He would make comments about hurting himself or others when he was in a fit.”
18. He comes knocking on the door to tell me he’s not gay or a pedophile.
“TL;DR: Much older, male neighbor was watching me change clothes and tried to explain to me that he was waiting for my sister to get home and change therefore he wasn’t ‘being gay or pedophilic.’
My older sister and I (I’m male) shared a room for a very long time. Our room had a big window that faced the street and one day, as I was changing out of my soccer uniform, I happened to look out the window and saw our neighbor across the street watching me change. Like, blatantly staring at me. I closed the curtains but less than 15 minutes later he comes knocking on the door to tell me he’s not gay or a pedophile, but that it’s usually my sister who’s changing at this time, which is why he was looking. I told him she was only 14 (she developed early and was very tall for her age/gender) and was therefore definitely underage and the creepy, perverted smile he had turned into a look of horror as my dad pulled up from work. He moved less than a month later and we always kept the curtains closed from that point on.”
19. She used to pick up random homeless people at bars and let them live with her.
“We have a neighbor who’s a severe alcoholic. She is in her mid 70s now and has calmed down a lot. Back in the early 90s we used to have to call the cops on her because her boyfriends would be beating the shit out of her in the front yard. She used to pick up random homeless people at bars and let them live with her. There was a time when there was anywhere from 5-10 homeless alcoholic/addicts living right next door. One of the ladies had one leg and her boyfriend ended up beating her up, too. Once we found two of the guys on our back porch going through our stuff. Our neighborhood used to have open top recycling bins and she would switch our bin with her bin so it looked like ours was overflowing with beer cans. She’s been sober now for like 10 years and is actually a really nice person and good neighbor now.”
20. He’d completely taken off all of his clothing and was standing in the window again.
“One of my best friends growing up lived next door to this old woman and her middle-aged son. This dude was super-weird.
Her bedroom at one point was on the top floor of the house and had a window facing their house. He would occasionally just come stand at the window of his house and stare into her bedroom, which did not have curtains at the time.
So I’m over there one day and we’re in her room playing on her PS2 when suddenly she gets really uncomfortable and wants to go downstairs. He’s in the window again, staring at us. Wearing like a white T-shirt and a robe and underwear. So we run downstairs and tell her mom, who goes upstairs to check. She comes down fuming just a little bit later. Between the time we ran downstairs and her going up there, he’d completely taken off all of his clothing and was standing in the window again. We were only like 13 or 14 at the time.”
21. As he went to give my sister (probably 14 at the time) a hug, his hand slid down to her butt.
“Earl, the old pedo who lived across the street. Real name because he’s dead and I don’t care. He started off totally cool and was a sweet old man. Our family was really good friends with them for many, many years so we interacted with them often. He had a vegetable garden so we’d always have fresh veggies delivered weekly every summer to our door. He’d knock, hand us a big bag of food, have a nice chat, give a quick hug and off he went.
One day out of the blue, as he went to give my sister (probably 14 at the time) a hug, his hand slid down to her butt. She didn’t say anything, because he was very old and she thought it may have been an accident. Until the next time, he went to pat her on the shoulder and he grabbed her boob. She told our mom then, and I’m unsure of what was said to the neighbors in full but he was not allowed to come here anymore or the police would be called. So he just sat in his living room bay window, staring intently at us the moment either my sister or I or our friends were outside.
I’d hate to say I heaved a sigh of relief when he passed, but I did.”
22. She frequently yells at kids for not wearing jackets at the bus stop.
“Probably my current neighbor. She called CPS on us last year because my older two sons (7 and 5 at the time) were playing football in the front yard during a sun shower. She basically told CPS that we locked all of our kids (including our toddler) outside during a thunderstorm and wouldn’t let them back inside. It was a complete lie and the case was closed. A few days later my wife was outside playing with our toddler. The neighbor approached my wife and asked her if she learned her lesson.
We try not to make any contact with her anymore, but she has made complaints about our tree house and complaints about the kids playing too loudly outside. She also called CPS on our friends across the street because their son had a black eye. He got the black eye in wrestling, but the neighbor called anyway. She frequently yells at kids for not wearing jackets at the bus stop and still goes to the bus stop with her 12-year-old. I let my kids ride their bikes to school with their friends and she has expressed concern about that as well. She’s got issues, but she is moving this summer. We’ll be in the clear soon enough.”
23. She would pour human blood in her rose garden.
“Back in the ’70s and ’80s, my aunt had a neighbor who was a longtime volunteer at the local blood bank. I doubt this would be allowed today, but back then she was allowed to take home the old, “expired” blood which would otherwise be thrown out. She used it as fertilizer for her garden. You’d see her out on sunny days, on her knees, with a big sun hat and gloves, cheerfully working human blood into the soil around her roses.
Her roses, you’ll want to know, were magnificent, as were the rest of the flowers in her garden.”
24. She would stand in her muumuu and stare out the window.
She would stand in her muumuu and stare out the window. She was like a living gargoyle or Cinereous vulture waiting to pounce when she saw something she disapproved of. Otherwise, her presence was largely unseen save for the ember on the end of her cigarette burning faintly in the darkness or the occasional puff of smoke seen in the light.
Then she died.
Her son asked that someone stay at the house. There had been a rash of thefts at the estate of the dead during their funerals. Some sick criminal knew the houses were vacant and probably thought the crime was excusable since they were taking from the dead.
I was asked, a senior in high school, to take watch. I was told to fix a snack, have a seat and watch some TV. No big deal.
So I did.
But in a scene that felt like a terrible episode of Scooby Doo, a storm blew in. Thunder, lightning. The lights dimmed and flickered as the power wrestled to stay on. I called my Dad over from next door.
He was amazed at what I was doing. Sitting in the chair Mona had died in. Her last action? She had fixed a snack and sat down to watch some television. The thing I was doing as they were burying her corpse.
Creepy to the very end…Mona.”
25. My current neighbor is a schizophrenic alcoholic with a glass eye he never bothers to wear.
“My current neighbor is a schizophrenic alcoholic with a glass eye he never bothers to wear.
He walks around mumbling and constantly mistakes me for his dead brother who committed suicide in our building over three years ago.”
26. Each time I would step out for a smoke, she would scream at me while I simply minded my own business on my porch.
“I used to live next to this bat-shit insane lady. She was probably around mid 50s and never left her house. Each time I would step out for a smoke, she would scream at me while I simply minded my own business on my porch.
Things she would yell included, but not limited to:
“Stop putting those chemicals in my house!” “I saw you stealing my stuff!” “Bring back my (x item) I know you stole it!” “I’ll call the cops on you, if you keep coming around here threatening me!” “I know you’re just waiting to murder me!”
She had a few screws loose for sure. I basically would laugh at her empty threats and ignore the rest.”
27. When I come home late at night, his front door is always open a little bit with him sitting behind and watching.
“My neighbor was living with his parents his whole life because he couldn’t work due to some psychological disorder. I don’t know what it was exactly. But he walks around his house all day and looks at it from all possible angles. Hess watching his house or his car in the garage all day. Sometimes he is watching from inside, just staring outside absently. When you walk past him and greet him, he never answers. Doesn’t even seem to notice you. Sometimes he walks around the block with his old leather suitcase and sunglasses on. He returns quickly all the time. When he recognizes something which is not right, he calls the police. Even when someone turns around the car in his driveway or parks near it. When I was a child and we had birthday parties where the parents park their cars near his driveway to collect their children he nearly always calls the police. When I come home late at night, his front door is always open a little bit with him sitting behind and watching. Sometimes when friends are over and we go for a smoke outside at night, he comes outside and goes to his garage. He has got very bright lights installed and pretends to check his car… at night at 4am of course. It’s kind of disturbing, but you get used to it from time to time. On the other hand, we never fear any burglars breaking into our house, because we know our neighbor is watching.”
28. He would regularly cause my tires to go flat either by deflating them or putting nails behind them so they’d pop.
“I had a neighbor that would regularly cause my tires to go flat either by deflating them or putting nails behind them so they’d pop, and then wait for me outside in the mornings so he could “help” with the flat. he’d creep up to my back window late at night and knock on it and bring me gifts. he was married with children and regularly brought me beer and flowers he’d picked for me. there were other creepy things he did but those were the worst. I ended up calling the sheriff on him.”
29. He is on house arrest for bestiality after someone caught him fucking a bull in the ass.
“One of my neighbors is on house arrest for bestiality after someone caught him fucking a bull in the ass. So that one.”
30. She’d sit on her porch and yell at people.
“When I was a child, we had this neighbor named Pat. Crazy Pat they called her. She lived in an old Victorian home that looked like it was falling apart from the outside.
She’d sit on her porch and yell at people (before the front porch was falling apart). Then she’d just walk up and down the sidewalk yelling at people…But then it went from harmless crazy lady to bad times for everyone.
One day Pat tried to stab my neighbor Mr. S. Mr. S had to call the cops and the cops didn’t do much. Then Pat tried to run Mr. S over and nothing happened. Then Pat started calling our home and just breathing loudly before hanging up, or screaming things into the phone like ‘garbage…’ Literally just saying the word garbage.
Then the years went by and all the neighborhood kids that Pat tormented grew up. And the night before Halloween transpired. For reasons unknown, she was dumb enough to leave her home for a period of time. At which point all heck broke loose.
One kid from up the street climbed onto the roof and entered her home through the second-floor bedroom window. Another kid entered via the basement. Some kids rode their bike 4 blocks over to the local grocer and bought all the eggs and toilet paper you could get.
And what did the parents do? They all watched and kept lookout. Pat came home and called the cops. The cops asked every neighbor if they saw anything? Every resident said the same thing….silence
Pat moved away later that year. Someone bought the house on a song and renovated it and made it look quite nice.”
31. After calling the police and having a trespassing order against him, he comes by to bring me a blanket.
“Neighbor asks me over for dinner. I accept. Date does not go well for multiple reasons and I tell him the next day I’m not interested.
Two weeks later he leaves me a bottle of women’s gummy vitamins on my doorstep.
He’ll text me when I walk to my car telling me I look beautiful.
He left me a flower and a handwritten poem, which in one stanza states ‘to the pretty girl, with gorgeous black curls. She may want boys, but I would like girls.’
We put a sign on our door that said ‘NEIGHBOR [his name]. GO AWAY. IF YOU COME BACK WE ARE CALLING THE POLICE.’ He responds by breaking into our backyard and trying to come in through the back door.
After calling the police and having a trespassing order against him, he comes by to bring me a blanket because????
After that, he leaves me a ticket to a play for seat A18. At the top he wrote, ‘I have seat A19 ;).’
After more calls to the police, he eventually flees the state. He was picked up in Louisiana on unrelated charges, and the police had him get a psych evaluation and now the state is holding him….I found out yesterday he was recently institutionalized by the state of Louisiana.”
32. At some point, he decided he was in love with me and started leaving gifts on my car.
“A few years ago, I moved into this fantastic apartment building in Juneau, Alaska. This place had everything. Mold, mildew, domestic violence on a daily basis. It was a real classy place.
A gentleman a couple of doors down had an interesting habit of inviting younger women over to exchange favors for meth. He was always really hurt when they eventually stole his TV. That man lost more TVs than I have ever owned. He eventually got a roommate to help him pay for his place.
At first, the roommate was decent. He was friendly and mostly kept to himself. I was in a bad relationship at the time and he was all sympathetic ears. Unfortunately, he started drinking. That man would drink everything. His favorite think was Yukon Jack with a cheap 40 chaser.
At some point, he decided he was in love with me and started leaving gifts on my car. Nothing too elaborate. Just promotional ice scrapers and things he would find in the woods. You know, normal stuff. He tried to give me a classic car at one point. I’m not sure the car was actually his to give away.
The original neighbor in this story eventually went to jail, and my personal creeper moved into the apartment next door. He started working as maintenance for the building and let it be known that he had keys for every apartment. I believe he entered my home more than once, but never got any proof.
My boyfriend and I were having some pretty serious problems. Creeper became my boyfriend’s new best friend. They were always together. Creeper became almost like a member of the family. Creeper started to give me drunken lectures on how to be a better girlfriend. He would sit outside our window for hours at a time. I was afraid to leave the house.
I finally regained my sense and moved out of that situation. I occasionally run into Creeper. He used to follow me around in public places, but has thankfully knocked that off. From what I heard, Creeper may have attempted to rape my ex-boyfriend. They no longer speak.”