60 People Share The Most Soul-Crushingly Cruel Thing Anyone Ever Said To Them

31. “No one will ever love you; how could they?”

My ex-husband’s passing shot. Stuck with me for longer than I’d like to admit, and even now I sometimes question why someone chooses to love me, or if they even do.


32. “You guys were so bad growing up (me+ 2 brothers) that we had to adopt a little girl.”

From my mother. It has taken me 20 years to get out from under this and many other comments my mother has made regarding my life as a child.


33. “You’re like that new toy you get that’s exciting at first but after a while you lose interest.”

Girl once broke up with me by saying this.


34. “You brought all this on yourself.”

Yeah, buddy. Real nice thing to say to a mentally ill person that’s dealt with stalking and abuse.


35. “You could probably throw yourself out of this car right now, and I won’t even stop and no one will bother to find you.”

Said by my abusive ex when I asked him to stop the car so I could leave. For a while I believed him.


36. “Go ahead and kill yourself. You just want attention anyways.”

My horrible aunt said this to me multiple times when she used to fight with me and make my life hell. My mom had just recently died of cancer and my dad had committed suicide years prior. I was 15 and ripped from the only state I knew as home to move in with my grandma and that aunt. There was no escaping the torture and she wanted me gone the day I arrived. So much for family.


37. “You deserve to be alone; I can see why your partner broke up with you.”

I got told this by a friend (now ex-friend) after a breakup.


38. “You’re the reason your mother is dead, and will probably be the death of your father and me.”

My stepmother to me at 17 years old. (My mother passed away from a brain aneurysm when I was 6 years old on Christmas Eve,)


39. “At least I’m a good person.”

My wife hit me with it last week during a minor disagreement. I’ve thought about it every day since.


40. “No wonder Dad thinks you’re weird.”

My sister said this to me, and because he never indicated as much, managed to wreck my relationship with my father.


41. “There’s something wrong with you, you’re a failure and you shit upon this family.”

Hearing years of this sentence and similar sentences, as a young kid, from your own father.


42. “I don’t love you anymore.”

He then proceeded to tell me the spark is gone and he sees me like family more or less. It crushed me at the time but now I feel the same about him and we’re decent friends :) Mickey, if you ever read this, thank you for being honest.


43. “Your mom should have swallowed.”

Dad to 6-year-old me.


44. “Wait, people actually like you?”

My family acts shocked whenever I see one of my friends. I don’t really have too many friends, so hearing it is a constant ego-killer.


45. “I hope you find me on the floor dead.”

My mom said this to me. No lie.


46. “No wonder why everyone leaves you.”

Said by my ex-friend who was so mean and hurtful to me for the whole two years after telling her we should no longer be friends.


47. “Well, good luck with that.”

When confiding in a friend that I was having suicidal thoughts and was really considering committing suicide.

He’s still my best friend 4 years later. He thought I was joking. But it still really, really hurt.


48. “No wonder nobody likes you.”

Bitch in 6th grade. I was being bullied.


49. “I don’t have time for you.”

I’m not a demanding girlfriend yet 3 guys have broken up with me and have all literally said this phrase. It’s really gotten to me.


50. “I never wanted you anyway.”

From your father when you’re still a child.


51. “I love you, but I don’t like you.”

My mother always told me this. I haven’t spoken to her in a decade and I’m pretty fucked up emotionally.


52. “YOU are nothing. YOU have nothing. YOU will be nothing.”

Husband said it. He was drunk, upset that I disagreed with him about something, and proceeded to demean me for being ‘just a stay at home mom.’ Broke me to my fucking core…


53. “I understand why your father killed himself. Do us a favor and join him.

Heard this in boot camp.


54. “When I know you’re coming home it makes me want to kill myself.”

My ex-wife said it.  She had severely untreated bipolar and said shitty things often.


55. “If your sister didn’t die, you wouldn’t be here because we didn’t want any more kids.”

Dad to 6-year-old me. What a lovely way to find out I had a sister who passed away before I was born.


56. “No wonder nobody likes you at school.”

At that time I was severely bullied in school.


57. “You were always a burden.”

My mom said it when she left my dad and moved in with her boyfriend, did quite the number on my psyche. It was right after I said I loved her and to not do this.


58. “I haven’t loved you in years, I was just staying with you so you didn’t kill yourself. I’ve also been cheating on you since I studied abroad.”

Best way to waste five years of your life.


59. “None of my friends like you, I’m only friends with you for convenience.”

Said to me the other day by one of my best friends. This was shortly after I told her that my grandmother was dying. My grandmother passed away last night.


60. “You’re still fucked up. You’ll never get better.”

Said by an ex-girlfriend to me during a breakup. I had been attending therapy for depression and was coming around to the idea that maybe in time I could actually be satisfied with who I was as a person and look at life more optimistically, that one kicked me right back down again.

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