50 Women Share The Beautiful Moment They Realized They’d Found Their Forever Person

9. When he helped me scoop buckets and buckets of shit-filled water from my basement.

“My septic system at my house started to back up. There happened to be a clog in the line out of the house but we tried to fix it ourselves before ultimately calling a plumber. The basement was filled with water and the downstairs sink. Him and I worked together and brought up buckets and buckets of shit water from the basement for a couple days. Any man who would Shop-Vac your shit water without flinching is a keeper.

We’re now engaged.”

10. When he showed love for my handicapped son.

“I have a handicapped son. By handicapped I mean in a wheelchair, can’t not walk, nonverbal, needs 24/7 care. My SO, when he first met Kadyn was all about him. Talking to him, playing with him and just being ever so sweet to him. I always thought my son would be too much of a burden for anyone else, so I never thought I could ever find someone who would accept him. But my SO did and he also loves him along with my three-year-old as if they were his own. He asked me to marry him on my birthday this year. That is a huge green flag when a man not only accepts another woman’s kids but take on the task of a handicapped child.”

About the author

Lorenzo Jensen III

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