41 Girls Describe The Little Traits That Can Make A Not-So-Handsome Guy Immediately Attractive

“Seriously, even a moderately attractive guy playing with his cute dog = ovaries exploding.”


Daniella Urdinlaiz (lookcatalog)

25. Confidence, but not bravado.

“Confidence is a big one, not bravado, but the kind of confidence you get from being cool with who you are. Also, never underestimate the power of a good haircut.”


26. A T-shirt that actually fits well—not baggy, not skin-tight.

“A T-shirt that actually fits well—not baggy, not skin-tight. Just fitted enough to actually show off your general shape and a bit of your arms.

Having your own personal style is great too, and can be hugely attractive. My comments aimed more at men who just don’t care about the clothes they wear. Fitted over baggy will almost always make you look a LOT more physically appealing to my eyes (and those of most of my girlfriends, as it happens).”


27. A good tailored suit jacket.

“One good tailored suit jacket is an excellent investment for men of any size.”


28. A sweet quiet guy with a daft sense of humor.

“One of my best friends is about a 4 in the looks department but he is just such a sweet quiet guy with a daft sense of humor. He has such warm genuine smiles. He works hard and I’ve never heard him once complain about being single or become jaded about women. In a different universe where I had not have met my fiancé I would snap him up. My heart breaks for him as I don’t think people really give him the chance he deserves because he is shy and not conventionally attractive. I can’t tell him how wonderful he is without it being inappropriate. I really hope he finds someone who makes him happy. His personality alone pushes him to a 7 or 8.”


29. A dark, twisted sense of humor.

“Personality and sense of humor!! I have a dark, twisted sense of humor, not easy to find someone who is on the same level.”


30. A man who’s kind to small children and animals.

“Be kind to small children and animals. My boyfriend picked up a stray kitten and I went D’aaaaaw.”
