Abusive Women: 43 Victimized Men Share Their Horrifying Tales Of Physical And Sexual Assault
"The mother of my daughter beat the living sh*t out of me because I asked her what skirt she wanted me to iron for the morning."

1. The mother of my daughter beat the living shit out of me because I asked her what skirt she wanted me to iron for the morning.
“The mother of my daughter beat the living shit out of me because I asked her what skirt she wanted me to iron for the morning. She was six months pregnant at the time. She took at me with a phone, fists, nails, teeth and feet. I eventually threw her off me and called the police. She fled the house and stole my car in the process.
By the time the police arrived I was a sobbing mess with extensive facial bruising, bleeding and bite marks.
They listened to me, and then cautioned me. I’m the one who was bleeding. I’m the one who called the police. I’m the one who was fucking cautioned.
She had no physical marks at all, my car and most importantly, my child. She later absconded with my daughter—who was three weeks old when I last saw her. She’s fourteen now.
The mother is a dangerous psychopath and I really wanted to get the child away from her but the system let us down.”
2. When I was a little kid, I was forced to have sex with my younger sister (about 9 months younger) by my two older sisters.
“My story is simple. When I was a little kid, I was forced to have sex with my younger sister (about 9 months younger) by my two older sisters. (Oldest is 4 years older, other one is 2 years older). All because they wanted to know what it looked like and gain info on how it felt. I was 5 or 6 at the time and don’t remember too much. I didn’t refuse because I was a kid, and my sisters were allowed to “Discipline” me if I didn’t listen to them, which amounted to them beating me up.
I know now as an adult what they had us do was wrong, even if you exclude the fact that we were both underage. So what’s my story behind it? Nothing really that I want to share, other than I don’t talk to ANY member of my blood related family anymore. What do I remember from it? I actually remember being lead into the room, the action of stripping down, and the events after until I put back on my clothing.
How do I feel? Well I have a deep hatred for them all regardless, and as for the event itself, it’s just ONE MORE nail in the coffin as I’m concerned.
Will I ever talk to them again? Well let’s just say this… if I saw them dying of thirst and I owned any source of water, I’d walk away and let them die.
So yeah, you could say I’m still affected by it. But I do just try to take things one day at a time and not think of unpleasant things.”
3. When I ended it she knocked me out with my guitar.
“Been dating for a year, was 18 when it started & 20 when I ended it a few weeks ago.
She was always being physically abusive as she was a gym rat & 1.9m tall. When I ended it she knocked me out with my guitar. I woke up a few hours later in the hospital with just a minor concussion, my neighbor heard it all and called the cops. He also vouched for me when I got a restraining order for my ex.”
4. My female boss made me have a sexual relationship under threat of being fired and sabotaging my career if I didn’t go along with it.
“My female boss made me have a sexual relationship under threat of being fired and sabotaging my career if I didn’t go along with it. Didn’t take ‘no’ for an answer, never took ‘stop’ seriously, didn’t care that I was never into it and obviously wanted none of it, didn’t care if I was physically resisting, either. She did everything from sexual coercion (getting super upset if I didn’t give in, insults, wouldn’t stop asking until I gave in, etc.) to blackmail to physically pinning me down (long story). It happened on a daily basis and went on for a year before I found a new job in another state. A few months after it started she also told me her husband would kill me if he ever found out, which in hindsight was probably just to scare me into hiding evidence/not reporting her, but I didn’t want to take chances. There was also a lot of emotional abuse going along with it.”