How To Spot A Killer: 35 Relatives And Friends Of Murderers Reveal The Red Flags

How To Spot A Killer: 35 Relatives And Friends Of Murderers Reveal The Red Flags

31. Warning signs were her having bruises and the occasional broken bone.

“My dad’s maternal grandmother shot her husband in the forehead with a .22 long before I was born. Warning signs were her having bruises and the occasional broken bone. Apparently one day she was just waiting with the gun for him to get home all shit-faced and beady. Fun fact, the round didn’t fully penetrate for whatever reason, so he ended up being in the hospital for a couple of days before he finally died. She ended up spending some time in the funny farm and ended up babysitting me when I was 3 or 4 years old. Upon asking my dad if that didn’t seem a little weird to him, he replied ‘Nah, she loved you to death, she wasn’t gonna hurt you…and nobody else was going to either,’ with a weird little cackle afterwards.”

32. He was extremely abusive on a daily basis.

“My ex-boyfriend is now in prison for manslaughter.

Long story short, I was 18 years old and 32 weeks pregnant. My ex came home drunk, punched and kicked me in the stomach for over half an hour, then passed out upstairs. (He was extremely abusive on a daily basis.) I went to the hospital because I was bleeding. I had an emergency C-section and had a little girl. She had brain hemorrhaging, couldn’t breathe on her own, and had multiple broken bones. They said my daughter wouldn’t survive 20 minutes, but she lived for 8 days.

My ex was found hiding out with a friend and was arrested and charged with manslaughter.

April 22nd would have been my daughter’s 6th birthday.

Yesterday (April 30th) was the 6-year anniversary of her death.

She may not have been here long, but I miss her every day.”