CHILLING: 30 People Reveal The Spookiest, Most Unexplained Thing That Happened To Them As Kids

10. She heard an unknown man’s voice say, ‘Your legs look so beautiful in those red shoes. Beautiful baby, too.’

“This is just a scary story—and it happened to my mom in the late 70s. She was a 34 y/o newly divorced mom of three small kids (8-6-nb). She had gone downtown to do a little shopping with me, the baby. We hadn’t lived in that city for very long, maybe a year. My mom was very attractive, confident, well-dressed. She had just come home, and the phone was ringing. When she picked it up, she heard an unknown man’s voice say, ‘Your legs look so beautiful in those red shoes. Beautiful baby, too.’ She hung up the phone. It was incredibly scary because she was in fact wearing red shoes and had no male friends. One phone call, and no other. She nervously told me the story when I was a young adult—after all that time she never knew who the caller was and she never wore the shoes again. Sadly, she had a number of creepy things happen to her throughout her life.”

11. My mum put me to bed in my room, but I woke up downstairs.

“My mum put me to bed in my room, but I woke up downstairs.

I thought it was a dream but some man picked me up when I was almost asleep, carried me downstairs and put me down on some blankets between a sofa and chair. I was quite young so my parents still had a safety gate.

My dad wasn’t in (worked nights then) and my mum was asleep so no one knows how I managed to get downstairs.

I can still remember this now, strangely.”

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