CHILLING: 30 People Reveal The Spookiest, Most Unexplained Thing That Happened To Them As Kids

3. She’s so white under the bright and full moon, but she was so still even her wavy hair is not moving from the wind.

“When I was about 5 or 6, me and my brother were playing and giggling and suddenly, I don’t know what came over me I peeped through a hole in the wall and I saw a woman outside. She’s so white under the bright and full moon, but she was so still even her wavy hair is not moving from the wind. I thought she was my cousin so I called her attention. I blinked and she was facing me instantly, I didn’t see her move. She’s really pretty but the fact that she’s not blinking and her eyeballs not moving scared me. I could never sleep alone again.”

4. I was dreaming about cousins in car crashes or a friend’s older sister cutting herself and it all happened within a week or two.

“When I was little, I would have dreams that came true. I’d dream of someone coming for dinner and then there would be a surprise guest the next day. Stuff like that. Then when I was about 5 or 6 it started to get dark. I was dreaming about cousins in car crashes or a friend’s older sister cutting herself and it all happened within a week or two. It started to freak me out so decided to tell my parents. At first, they tried to calm me down but then they started noticing it and getting freaked out, which only scared me even more. And then one day I stopped dreaming. I haven’t had a dream, prophetic or otherwise, since and honestly it kind of scares me to think about.”

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