CHILLING: 30 People Reveal The Spookiest, Most Unexplained Thing That Happened To Them As Kids

26. There was a HUGE FUCKING SQUID in the toilet.

“I grew up on the central coast of California, and my family would frequently visit Big Sur for camping, hiking, or just hanging out and having lunch at one of the restaurants.

I must have been about 7. Old enough to visit the bathroom independently, but still rather new to the freedom of walking around somewhere that wasn’t my neighborhood or the woods alone. I went into the bathroom at a restaurant called the River Inn, and there were 3 stalls—1 handicapped, and 2 regular. All but one of the stalls, (a regular one), were taken.

I distinctly remember looking under the doors for feet, because I was a little kid, and for whatever reason preferred the handicapped stall. I saw no feet, but the doors were locked. Whatever. I went into the one open stall.

There was a HUGE FUCKING SQUID in the toilet. Like, the body had to be at least a foot long, plus tentacles, coiled around the inside of the toilet bowl. It totally filled the available space. Cloudy dead squid eyes, gazing up at me from the pooper.

I ran out of the bathroom in horror, told nobody, and held my pee for the 45 min drive home.

What the fuck was that squid doing there?? All I can surmise is it was a line cook prank, in an area that ubiquitously has squid on the menu.

Twenty-five years later, that terror toilet squid still haunts me.”

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