21 People Reveal The Craziest Thing An Ex Ever Did To Them

20. She kicked in my door, trashed my room, and stole my PlayStation 4.

“Five months after we broke up, she kicked in my door, trashed my room, and stole my PlayStation 4. She returned it after I threatened to call the police.”

21. At this point, I consider her to be completely insane!

“She broke up suddenly because she felt we became more ‘brother and sister’ than a couple—WTF ?

Contacted me for sex—I never say no but are we not supposed to be kind of ‘bro/sis’ shit ?

Avoided any contact with me for a month—didn’t really care…

Called me crying and drunk at 2AM two months later—Dafuk!!?

No news for another month—and we’re back to ‘ignore status.’

Contact me for a weekend at her parents’ house as ‘friends’—heeeeeeelll no thank you ! Not your bro or friend!

Phone me to whine about a girl she saw me with—why do you even care for Zeus’s sake ?

Say she doesn’t want any contact with me anymore—OK! Crazytown got a new resident…if you don’t want any contact, try to stop calling, nutjob!

Call me for my birthday—what’s wrong with you???!

Stop contacting me, answering the phone or any mail or text—maybe she left Crazytown?

Contact me on Facebook 6 years later, write me a joyful 25 lines long message—well, OK it’s been a long time, glad to have some news!

Kept tchatting with me for a week and suddenly stopped without any warnings—you haven’t changed a bit, old ‘sis’!

Text me to meet and grab a coffee—GOOD LORD!! Are you capable of making any kind of decision??

Don’t show up—come on!!!!!

Cross my eyes on the street and pretend she don’t see me, jump on the subway and disappear—well, it was not necessary but do what you want!

At this point, I consider her to be completely insane!” Thought Catalog Logo Mark


About the author

Lorenzo Jensen III

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