21 People Reveal The Craziest Thing An Ex Ever Did To Them

14. He had sex in the car with his new skanky girlfriend outside of the upscale happy hour bar that I’ve been frequenting for years so that everybody could see.

“Had sex in the car with his new skanky girlfriend outside of the upscale happy hour bar that I’ve been frequenting for years so that everybody could see. I wasn’t there that night luckily, but oh I heard about it. More embarrassing to him than to me honestly.”

15. She had an ex impersonate me on AOL Messenger (it was a long time ago) and try to get my new SO to break up with me.

“Had an ex impersonate me on AOL Messenger (it was a long time ago) and try to get my new SO to break up with me. Real sad part was that I was out in the woods camping with my friends and there was no cell service. Came back to dozens of very confusing texts on my phone.”

16. Two years of obsessing.

“He left me, then decided that he needed to get me back. Cue two years of obsessing, telling me I was the only person he could ever love, trying to get me to admit we were ‘soulmates.’ Bullet dodged there. The emails finally stopped so maybe he’s dead?”


About the author

Lorenzo Jensen III

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