Flickr / nicolewalker95

29 People Confess The Weird, Quirky Thing They Do When No One Else Is Around

“I put my finger in my belly button and then smell it.”


Flickr / nicolewalker95
Flickr / nicolewalker95
Found on AskReddit.

1. I get sudden urges to jump from high places.

“Is it normal to have urges to jump off a high place when you’re looking at the bottom from the edge? (Note: I have no suicidal thoughts.)”

2. I start saying ‘Sethy is a stupid fish, stupid fish, stupid fish…’ out loud.

“When I talk to myself…or, well, about myself, to myself…I don’t use my real name. I call myself Sethy. My name is not remotely close to ‘Seth.’ But every time I get embarrassed, usually by a memory, I start saying ‘Sethy is a stupid fish, stupid fish, stupid fish…’ out loud in a sort of ‘lalala’ way to redirect my brain.”

3. I’m 26 and I have an imaginary friend.

“I’m 26 and I have an imaginary friend. Her name is Kasey. I can rant to her about all my problems. Kasey is a good listener. Kasey makes me feel better.”

4. I sleep with my socks under my pillow.

I sleep with my socks under my pillow? I thought it was normal but everybody I’ve mentioned it to has been confused or even weirded out a bit.

5. I feel bad for inanimate objects.

“I feel bad for inanimate objects. I can’t put inanimate objects upside down (because the blood would rush to their head), and I can’t leave an object alone without a ‘friend.’”

6. I have an entire mental world I enter during my hour of snoozing.

“I have an entire world that I will myself to drift into during my hour of snoozing (set my alarm extra early on purpose). I have friends there, a S.O., a pet bird and I’m happy. Then I have to go to work. Real life sucks.”

7. I talk to myself but use “we” instead of “I.”

“I talk to myself, but instead of saying ‘I,’ I say ‘we.’ ‘Okay, we’re going to go home and do our homework before anything else,’ ‘Damn, we need to go get some food,’ ‘We’re late again!’”

8. I talk to myself but use “she” instead of “I.”

I think my inner monologue in the second person. “She went up the stairs to her bedroom and tumbled into her bed”.

9. I have VERY intrusive thoughts.

“VERY intrusive thoughts and talking to myself in depth. I’m talking like SERIOUS thoughts. I wont give any examples just in case. I will make decisions, make conversation scripts, etc., out loud.”

10. I play anagram wars in my head.

“Play anagram wars in my head. Type things on imaginary keyboards.”

11. I associate numbers with colors.

“I associate numbers with colors. 4 is blue, 6 is green, 5 is red. I don’t understand it.”

12. I lift up my blankets and smell after I fart in bed.

“Lift up my blankets and smell after I fart in bed.”

13. I put my finger in my belly button and then smell it.

“Anybody else like to put their finger in their belly button and then smell it?”

14. Sometimes I go my entire period without using pads or tampons.

“Sometimes I go my entire period without using pads or tampons if I don’t have any, rather than buying any I just use toilet paper in my underwear and make makeshift pads. Please tell me I’m not the only one. I’m so ashamed.”

15. I get a full body shiver after urinating.

“A full body shiver after urinating.”

16. I shampoo my pubes.

“Am I supposed to use shampoo on my pubes? It is hair, after all…I guess I don’t know where you draw the line, like…do bald guys just use regular soap on their head?”

17. I squeegee myself before getting out of the shower.

“Anyone else squeegee themselves before getting out of the shower? My GF looks at me like I am crazy but it gets almost all the water off before I even step out to grab a towel.”

18. I just tear out nose hairs with my fingers.

“I just tear out nose hairs with my fingers. I should probably use tweezers or just cut them, but I like the sensation of ripping them out by hand.”

19. I pop whitehead zits and pick scabs.

“Pop whitehead zits and pick scabs not because I want them gone but because the rush of relief is amazing…”

20. I pluck blackheads out of my face.

“I have this pair of very fine tweezers that I use to pluck blackheads out of my face. They’re so small they can get right in there.”

21. I pluck my pubes with tweezers.

“I pluck my pubes with tweezers. It’s really calming and the pain feels good.”

22. I sometimes pull out my eyebrow hairs for no reason.

“I sometimes pull out my eyebrow hairs for no reason.”

23. At a urinal, I grab my dick and rotate it 90 degrees so the stream comes out sideways.

“At a urinal, grab my dick and rotate it 90 degrees so the stream comes out sideways.”

24. I sit backwards on the toilet.

“Sitting backwards on the toilet.”

25. I take shits completely naked.

“My whole life I take shits completely naked. I hate going in public because it feels really weird shitting with a shirt on.”

26. I’ll run my finger over my asshole and let my dog lick it clean.

“Sometimes, if my dog is around, I’ll run my finger over my asshole and let her lick it clean.”

27. When I poop I lift my right ass cheek off the toilet and squeeze as hard as I can.

“When I poop I lift my right ass cheek off the toilet and squeeze as hard as I can (use my hands to push off the seat). Once it comes out I sit like normal again. Rinse and repeat till I think I’m done.”

28. I poo in the bath.

“Pooing in the bath.”

29. If I stick my finger in my belly button and wiggle it, my vag itches.

“If I stick my finger in my belly button and wiggle it, my vag itches. My boyfriend tries to do it to me all the time after I told him about it.” Thought Catalog Logo Mark