13 Blood-Curdling Accounts From People Who Were Brave Enough To Play ‘Bloody Mary’
According to legend, if you stand in front of a mirror and chant “Bloody Mary” at least three times, Bloody Mary's ghost will appear in the mirror.
According to legend, if you stand in front of a mirror and chant “Bloody Mary” at least three times, Bloody Mary’s ghost will appear in the mirror. Here are ten people’s personal accounts of what happened when they dared to play the “Bloody Mary” game.

“Me and my friend did Bloody Mary a while ago. We flushed the toilet and said ‘Bloody Mary’ 3 times. All of a sudden a face popped up into the mirror. My friend was so scared she couldn’t breathe. I slapped her in the face and she ran out. I was in there all alone! I was scared of what was going to happen next. I tried to run out but the door wouldn’t open even though it was unlocked! She was holding it! She was back into the mirror; I saw her with a baby. She threw it to me and I didn’t catch it. It disappeared. I turned on the light and there was blood on the mirror. I had a red mark on my face and so did my friend, even though she wasn’t even there! It was so creepy. I still have that red mark and so does she. We can only see it in the mirror when we turn off the lights. The weird thing is no one but us can see it.”
“There were three of us girls in the bathroom at 3 AM and I chanted Bloody Mary 13 times at almost exactly 3 AM. As I said Bloody Mary about the 12th time we saw smoke swirl around the mirror and we saw a scary-as-hell old woman looking out of the mirror at us. We all three screamed and I think Gail turned the light on. Bloody Mary vanished almost at once and Gail’s mother came running into the bathroom to see what was going on. She made us go to bed but we stayed awake till daylight because we knew what we had seen.”
“We chanted Bloody Mary three times and nothing happened, so we just laughed it off and turned the lights on.…We were lying on the floor getting ready to go to bed when we heard someone walking up and down the hallway and we knew we were the only ones home. Then I saw the hall light come on and my bathroom door flew open and the tap started running full force and the shower came on. My friend Macie went and turned everything off and suddenly it was calm. Then we heard someone drumming their fingers on my door outside in the hall. We all held our hands up to show we weren’t doing it and it kept going. I jumped up and flung the door open and it stopped, then my closet doors burst open. We started praying that it would all stop and suddenly it did. Nothing has happened since, and I am so glad.”
“I was 9 when me and my friends tried doing Bloody Mary at my house one weekend. As well as I remember there were five of us and we carried my Mom’s candles in the upstairs bathroom and all five of us were chanting Bloody Mary. We saw an old woman with cuts on her face and chains around her neck and shoulders looking out of the mirror out at us. Then the shower curtain went up in flames and we ran out of the bathroom. An older boy ran into the bathroom and luckily for us got the fire put out. We all got in big trouble for it and the parents thought we caught the shower curtain on fire with the candles but we had the candles at least six feet from the shower curtain when it suddenly went up in flames. I know for a fact that we did not touch that shower curtain with a candle.”
“I saw a black object in the mirror….The object was closer to me now and I was wondering what the object was. I stared at it for the longest time to make out what it was. I looked behind me again to see nothing was there and I looked back at the mirror and the object was closer. I got scared and started to move back and I could see it coming closer and closer to me….Then a hand came out of the mirror, then a whole arm. I got so scared I closed my eyes quickly and screamed, feeling for the light switch; I kept feeling around for it, too scared to open my eyes knowing that a horrible ugly face was staring at me….I have never been that scared in my whole life and was glad I didn’t open my eyes….I’m never going in a dark bathroom ever again….”
“My friend had a slumber party and they dared her to do Bloody Mary—you know, go into the bathroom, turn off the lights, light a candle, chant ‘Bloody Mary’ thirteen times, and she will appear. For about 15 minutes, nothing happened. Then we heard her scream and she tried to get out of the bathroom. The door was stuck but it didn’t have a lock. When we got her out she was crying and whimpering like a madman. We asked her what happened. She showed us her arms and there were scars there that had never been there before. Tons of them, like 20 scars!!! A few days later they disappeared! She won’t tell us what happened or what she saw when we ask her about it. She just looks at us in a hateful way.”
“I and some friends were over at my Grandma’s house when we all went in the bathroom where we had several candles burning. Several girls were chanting Bloody Mary in that bathroom when there was a brilliant flash of light and we all saw a very old scary woman that looked like her flesh was rotting off standing there in the bathroom with us. You could smell the most horrible smell of rotting flesh there in that bathroom. And then the old woman was gone. I know from then on I was scared to go back in that bathroom. About four months later my friend Amber wrecked her new car and she kept telling her Mom and Dad and me that Bloody Mary was there in the car with her just before she wrecked and that Bloody Mary had grabbed the steering wheel and caused her to wreck. Just a short time later Amber was found drowned in the bathroom upstairs in her parents’ house. I know I have always wondered if Bloody Mary killed Amber. I promise you this is a true story and it still scares me.”
“My friend and I were in an experimental mood, so we decided to try the ‘Bloody Mary’ version that I heard most often. We stopped at a gas station that had an outdoor restroom and asked if we could use it. We went into it, turned off the lights, splashed water onto the mirror, and spun around. We said ‘Bloody Mary’ three times. Then my friend turned and flushed the toilet while I stared into the mirror. From what I could see of my reflection in the dark, it started turning into a bright red blob. In amazement, I kept staring. Then my friend started screaming, and we ran out the door in fright. When I could see her face, it was all bloody, like how I saw myself in the mirror. When we cleaned her off, she had small fingernail-type scratches all over her face.”
“I went into the bathroom, turned off all the lights, and turned around seven times while saying B-Mary on each turn. I then stopped turning and faced the mirror. I waited in silence for something to happen….I was about to leave when I heard a woman singing. I turned slowly back to the mirror and I saw her. She had long, dark brown hair that was soaked in blood. Her neck looked like someone had just slit her throat. I screamed. When my brother started banging on the door and turning the lock, she became angry. She was smiling but then she frowned and reached out through the mirror with one bloody arm and slapped/scratched me on the right side of my face. I felt her nails strike so hard that I was knocked to the floor. My head slammed against the side of the bathtub and I was knocked unconscious. When I woke, I was in the hospital with bandages across the right side of my face.…The attack was a year ago and to this day, I still cannot see out of my right eye and that side of my face is stuck in a permanent scream. No one should EVER try to summon that witch that has ruined my life! Please read this and take it seriously. DO NOT summon that evil witch!”
“My friend followed me to the bathroom and stood outside. She said, ‘I don’t think you should do this. What if it’s real?’ I was scared out of my mind, but I wanted to be the brave one. And I had always wanted to test it. So I did the same old ritual. I stared into the mirror. Nothing. I stared in all corners. Then right as I was about to turn on the switch, I caught a glimpse of someone. I looked closer. It was black and white, and her mouth was open wide. I expected to hear a scream, but there was dead silence. There was black all around her eyes, and she was a clear image. I was frozen so I just stood there looking. Then her arms lifted up and her hands were bright red. A few of her nails were gone and some were just about to be peeled off. When the hands appeared to grab my shoulders, a chill ran down my spine. And a rush of cold air blew on my back. I screamed bloody murder, turned on the switch, and ran out the door. My friend was standing with her mouth open and I hugged her. I don’t know why, though. I started crying I was so scared. I covered all the mirrors in my house; my mom didn’t really care. And I still don’t use that bathroom.”
“We ran to the washroom and lit all the candles in there. And we all spun around with our eyes closed, chanting ‘Bloody Mary’ 3x. After the 3rd time we open our eyes and stared in the mirror and I swore I saw through the mirror the window and there was a woman all bloody, her face almost completely gone but screaming. My friends heard the screaming but didn’t see her. I was wondering from there to now why was I the only one who saw Mary. We couldn’t sleep for weeks.”
“All of us cramped into my cousin’s bathroom in front of the bathroom mirror and decided to chant ‘Bloody Mary’ over and over again. We chanted for over 20 times, but nothing happened. Thoroughly satisfied that it is an urban legend, we were about to go out of the bathroom when a tiny green triangle started to appear in the center of the mirror. The triangle grew bigger and bigger while me and my friends started to scream and quickly opened the door and ran to the ‘grownups’ (my cousin’s friends) while my cousin stared at the mirror bathed in green light. He was too shocked to move while we caught him by the arm and dragged him out of the room (with the help of his friends) and realized that he was totally shocked as he was staring blankly at us with no voice. Moments later, I heard the glass mirror break into pieces. All of us, including my cousin’s friends, were totally freaked out….Even now, two years later, we still refuse to speak of the incident, but the memory has earned a place in my mind forever….”
“I am a 29-year-old woman named Amanda. I played Bloody Mary as a young girl. Age 12. Nothing happened—or so I thought. I opened a portal and allowed demons of witchcraft into my soul. I underwent an exorcism. It failed. My life has been a living hell ever since. I became addicted to drugs just so I can deal with my own murderous mind. I suffer from extreme mental problems now. The demons are speaking in tongues all the time now. I have to be careful about getting mad because they take control. My husband is being haunted by my demons now. I’ve suffered from postpartum psychosis and had to be institutionalized for a month because I repeatedly had visions of slicing my baby’s throat from ear to ear. I’ve been in and out of mental institutions for the past year. I hate so much. I didn’t think I was capable of the thoughts I’ve been having. I scare myself more and more every day with the thing I am becoming. Sometimes I feel like I’m truly disconnected from myself. A totally different person sometimes. Am I capable of murder as this other person? I’m truly hell bound. Yes, I am a former Satanist, but it all started with Bloody Mary. You all think it’s a harmless child’s game, but be warned it’s so much more. DON’T OPEN THAT PORTAL!!!! Children please listen and be warned this is NOT a game.”