The Horrifying Reality Behind 20 Popular Urban Legends
Gruesomely enough, there are several real-life instances of the "dead body under the bed" myth happening.

1. Bunny Man
Legend: Since the early 1970s, rumors have spread in the Washington, DC area that a man in a bunny costume randomly attacks strangers with an axe, most commonly under a Virginia overpass known as “Bunny Man Bridge.”
Reality: The legend is based on two documented incidents in Burke, VA right before Halloween 1970.
In the first incident, a couple was parked in a field near midnight when they heard something moving near their car. The car’s passenger’s-side window was suddenly smashed, and outside the window appeared a man in a bunny costume who told them, “You’re on private property and I have your tag number.” While fleeing in their car, they noticed that a hatchet was on the passenger’s-side floor.
The second incident was ten days later. A security guard approached an unfinished home and noticed a man in a bunny costume. When Bunny Man noticed the man approaching, he began swinging a long axe at the home’s porch and said, “All you people trespass around here. If you don’t get out of here, I’m going to bust you on the head.”
There were dozens of reported “Bunny Man” sightings after this first pair, but these were the only two confirmed incidents. “Bunny Man” has never been found. (source)