21 People On When They Realized Their So-Called ‘BFF’ Was No Friend At All

1. She disappeared out of my life 95%+ of the time every time she had a boyfriend.
I had a “best friend” in high school. I started realizing she wasn’t my best friend when she’d keep canceling plans with me, and most of the time when we’d hang out, it was because we saw each other at school already earlier in the day. I came to the conclusion that how can I consider this person be my best friend if she doesn’t make that much time for me when we don’t go to the same school anymore? She also disappeared out of my life 95%+ of the time every time she had a boyfriend and would come back to me when she was single…
I have another friend who makes time for me always in her schedule, regardless of where we work or go to school. This friend even wants to go on vacations with me, so I slowly started realizing this person was my real best friend.
2. When I realized that the older we got, the less we had in common.
When I realized that the older we got, the less we had in common. And it just faded off from there.
3. When he hit on my wife.
When he hit on my wife.
4. When she thought putting my husband’s dick in her mouth was okay.
When she thought putting my husband’s dick in her mouth was okay.
5. When I found out she slept with my husband for some pot.
When I found out she slept with my husband for some pot… he’s my ex-husband now and she is no longer my friend.
6. I can’t be best friends with someone who never grew up.
When I grew up and became an adult with a husband, a career, and children, and she was still the pot-smoking, JNCO wearing kid she was in high school despite being 30-years-old. I still care about her and want the best for her, but I can’t be best friends with someone who never grew up.
7. When I realized how horribly she treated her mother.
When I realized how horridly she treated her mother. Her mother is the nicest lady I have ever met, and really liked her. Her daughter has severe anger management problems, and would (as an adult), throw full on tantrums you would expect of a toddler, but worse. She would be extremely verbally abusive to her, calling her a bitch and whatnot whenever one little thing did not go her way. I couldn’t condone the way she treated her mother. She is 30 and still lives with her mom; she has never been on her own.
8. When she wanted to have a picture of her and all her best friends and then asked me to take the picture for them….
When she wanted to have a picture of her and all her best friends and then asked me to take the picture for them….
9. When she stole 500 dollars from me that was supposed to be rent money.
When she stole 500 dollars from me that was supposed to be rent money. Yeah. That didn’t go over well.
10. When I realized that my best friend didn’t consider me hers.
When, at my birthday party, she ate a fortune cookie and we asked what the fortune was, and she jokingly said, “My best friend will murder me tonight.” Then she looked at someone else in the room and backed away and acted afraid and said “Keep him away from me!” Everybody laughed, and I don’t think she had any idea what just happened, but that was when I realized that my best friend didn’t consider me hers.
11. When she told my other friend that I was a cunt.
When she told my other friend that I was a cunt and told my friend she wasn’t “allowed” to talk to me anymore. Thankfully my friend told her to fuck off.
12. When she got blackout drunk at my wedding.
When she got blackout drunk at my wedding, told everyone she hated the rest of the wedding party, puked all over the hotel hallway, took off early the next day and wanted an apology from me for not making her maid of honor. Woo!
13. All she wanted to talk about was small-town drama.
We had become best friends when were 6 years. She moved away in the 6th grade, but we still managed to keep in contact. Then she moved back for our senior year of high school. That turned out to be a horrible year even though we still remained close. After high school we attended the same college together. I moved 12 hours away after college and she moved back to the small town we are from. We had made it a point to a least talk to each other once a week on the phone. Then things just changed. I was becoming more independent, making friends, and dating more. She on the other had lives at home with her parents and hangs out high school kids. A couple weeks ago a big thing happen in my life and all I wanted to do was tell her. She wouldn’t even give me a chance to tell her. All she wanted to talk about was small-town drama. I realized right then that we were no longer best friends. I had seen this coming for a couple years. It had always been a one-sided friendship. Anytime we would hang out it always had to be when she could fit it in her “busy” schedule. Even our weekly phone call turned into that. The only time she had time for the call was on her way home for work for 10 minutes. It was really starting to annoy me. It was like I wasn’t that important to her anymore. I am relieved to be done with the friendship.
14. When I found out she kept calling me a closet queen behind my back.
When I found out she kept calling me a closet queen behind my back and telling our mutual friends that she can’t wait for me to come out the closet. I’m not gay, but I have some close gay friends that I hangout with from time to time.
15. The things we used to have in common don’t interest him anymore, and the things that interest him now don’t interest me.
When we would grab a beer after work and talk, and I couldn’t relate to anything going on in his life anymore. His involvement with the church (I left the church 8 years ago), his issues with his marriage (never married, and felt like his marriage was a mistake from the start) and his kids (don’t have any, don’t want any). The things we used to have in common don’t interest him anymore, and the things that interest him now don’t interest me. Doesn’t make either of us “wrong” per se, just means we grew apart.
16. After a 10-year friendship and my boyfriend died is when I really realized “bff” was such a bitch and stopped being friends.
After a 10-year friendship and my boyfriend died is when I really realized “bff” was such a bitch and stopped being friends. So pretty much the first guy I had ever loved died the day before my high school graduation. So she’s had many guys she’s loved and banged and was at a fork in the road between two ex boyfriends but oh no she cannot love anyone it’s just not possible. So Kurt died and they figured I didn’t date him long enough for me to actually love him—like they have any say in that part of my life. An argument ensued then I was getting prank calls on my cell, work, and home phone, I knew exactly who it was. So after days of 30+ calls a day I got sick of it and realized I can do that too, so I did. We’ll then I got a call from an angry X friend as to why she’s getting pranked, but the thing is she was holding Kurt’s favorite shirt hostage. Finally we came to an agreement the prank calling will stop if I get his shirt back, seemed harmless. Went to pick up my shirt she left at my house, I hurry up and ran to my porch to grab it, as I ran back with it in my arms something fell. Turns out a sleeve was chopped off, turns out they destroyed Kurt’s shirt. It was covered in sayings like “where’s the pills bitch” ” I killed myself to get away from you” and things like that, then it was covered in ketchup, mustard, and a few guys had jacked off onto it. 10 years of being friends and she easily did that to me, which is horribly sad since we always saw an awesome future of us having kids and them being bff’s and being silly in nursing homes when we were really old.
17. When her sister (and my mutual friend) was murdered and I was literally the last one to find out.
When her sister (and my mutual friend) was murdered and I was literally the last one to find out.
Through Facebook, no less. No phone call, nothing.
After some serious history searching, I realized it was like that for our entire two and a half decade “friendship.” Our relationship was so one-sided, it was barely a friendship at all.
Screw her.
18. When we were sitting at lunch and he made fun of the way my grandma talked.
When we were sitting at lunch and he made fun of the way my grandma talked. She had been diagnosed with stage 3-4 tongue cancer a while back, but had just had surgery where about half of her tongue was removed. I always knew he was an asshole, but that was a new low for him.
19. Drugs became their new best friend.
Drugs became their new best friend.
20. I told him it was either being friends with me or being friends with this drug dealer he thought was cool; he chose the dealer.
When he started dealing drugs.
I told him it was either being friends with me or being friends with this drug dealer he thought was cool; he chose the dealer. I went back to his house, grabbed my stuff and went home. We didn’t really hang out again except for a couple times years later at an arcade, he paid for everything. We always told each other we’d find time to hang out again, but we never did, doubt either of us really meant it, was more of a pleasantry.
He died around two years ago, he was shot in a bar by a masked gunman in an apparent mob hit.
I’ll never forget the best friend I had, the guy he was before he turned to crime.
21. When I realized she actually didn’t give a shit about me.
When I realized she actually didn’t give a shit about me.
There were so many times my best friend should have been there and she failed every time, she always had pathetic excuses.
I remember one time my sister (who was also a very close friend of hers) was very ill and I needed her help to look after her. She chose to sleep with some random guy she’d just met that day instead and had locked me out of my accommodation for the night. She later came back and accused me of something really horrible I didn’t do in front of the rest of our friends who then turned against me instantly. They eventually realized she was bullshitting but I’ll never forgive her for any of that night.
The final straw was the promise of renting a house together then pulling out last minute, leaving me with nowhere to live. I can’t even remember her excuse now.