13 Harrowing Tales Of Meth Abuse

8. The Shadow People

by Saint Jimmy from Erowid (ExpID 48313)

After about 10 minutes, [my friend] A. sat up and noticed that a large vortex was forming in the corner of the hotel room. From this vortex, which looked like a smoky grey cube imploding on itself, emerged hundreds of shadowy figures. They were roughly human in shape and seemed to be composed entirely of shadows. They had no facial features or clothing or any type of distinguishing marks. Being avid researchers of the paranormal, we instantly recognized these creatures to be Shadow People. Panic quickly set in as the shadow people began to circle the room.

At some point M. finally put down his pen and joined the chaos that was rapidly forming in the room. C., A., and I were huddled in one of the beds together, hyperventilating and in a general state of panic. Shadow people may not sound too frightening to those who know nothing about them, but as people who understand these creatures we knew enough to be terrified. Shadow people are not malevolent beings. They are horrible extra dimensional beings that prey on human energy. Not a good situation to be in when we are spun and paranoid enough as it is.

We began talking about what we thought the shadow people were and came to the conclusion that they were beings from another dimension that had entered our dimension through the vortex. Methamphetamine had allowed our bodies to vibrate at a higher resonance than usual and this attracted the shadow people. …

Soon, a mass about the size of a human torso began forming underneath the table. It was a large, translucent blob with no discernable form. C. and I started screaming for M. and A. to come back and they ran into the room. The blob started speaking to me telepathically, telling me that it was going to spiritually possess me and use my body to murder my friends.

As it was speaking it began climbing up my body. It inserted three tentacles into my navel and began to enter my body. Where the tentacles touched me, I felt a sensation similar to ice-cold needles being pushed through my skin. I wanted to get up and run away but the creature had me completely paralyzed. A. started screaming at me to run and for M. and C. to do something, but they just stood there, dumbfounded. A. took matters into her own hands and took a flying leap at the creature and tackled it, ripping it out of my body. M. grabbed me under my arms and C. grabbed my legs and carried me to the other bed. During this my body was still completely frozen. They dumped me on the bed and tried to get me to respond but for a few minutes I was unable to move or speak. I have very vague memories of what happened next. All I recall is A. telling me that the creature was gone. …

The shadow people stayed with me for a few months. I saw them constantly, even when I wasn’t high. I personally believe that what we saw that night was real. …

Meth basically ruined my life through a long series of events. In the end, I ended up with methamphetamine-induced schizophrenia.

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