25 Gruesome Real-Life Stories About Encountering A Corpse

15. “I woke up beside my boyfriend and he had died while we were sleeping.”

I woke up beside my boyfriend and he had died while we were sleeping. I didn’t try to wake him up immediately but after a while I noticed he was very cold and wouldn’t wake up no matter how hard I moved him. I guess I was just in shock because I definitely didn’t believe/want to believe that was the case, so I would scream, and then talk to him, scream again, shake him, talk to him, scream, etc. … I didn’t cry until the ambulance came. Up until then I just laid on the floor with him and held him a bit before the certainty set it. It was all very bizarre.

16. “My mom had a reoccurring nightmare until she was 20 about stopping for a bleeding man on the side of the road.”

My mom had a reoccurring nightmare until she was 20 about stopping for a bleeding man on the side of the road. Turns out when she was an infant she was in the car when her dad pulled over to help a bleeding man. She didn’t know about it until she was 25, and it terrified her until it stopped happening.

17. “It was disorienting to be in the same room with someone who was alive just a few minutes ago.”

I watched my aunt die last month. I was present for the actual moment of death and I sat in the room with her for a little while afterwards. In a way, it was disorienting to be in the same room with someone who was alive just a few minutes ago. It’s a heavy, empty feeling.

18. “We dug for about a minute and saw two holes where the eye sockets would be.”

One day I was at Willard bay in Ogden, Utah with my uncle, this was during a bad drought year, the lake was really low. I decided to play with some rocks, I decided to bang a rock against a rock in the ground, and for some reason it was really hollow, I told my uncle, and we tried digging it up, we dug for about a minute and saw two holes where the eye sockets would be, that’s when we decided it was a skeleton. We called police, they put a mound of dirt on top of it.

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