25 Gruesome Real-Life Stories About Encountering A Corpse

12. “He was sitting in an odd position with his head resting on his shoulder.”

When I was 9 years old coming back from a dentist’s appointment. My mom and I stopped at a service station to get gas. There was a red truck in front of us facing our car at the other pump and the man inside was wearing sunglasses. He was sitting in an odd position with his head resting on his shoulder. I walked into the station to get a Coke and when I came back I saw he hadn’t moved and noticed chewed-up food in his mouth. I poked his shoulder to see if he was just sleeping but he didn’t move so I took his glasses off and saw his eyes wide open. He got hauled off in an ambulance and I asked one of the workers if he was all right but he was said he dead for at least thirty minutes. I cried the rest of the day. That mess is scary! I wanted to be a brain surgeon prior to that incident but that changed my mind. I can’t deal with the traumatic stuff.

13. “The guy was laying facedown with viscous purple stuff oozing out of his head.”

Was working with some others in my office across from a cemetery when we all heard a loud crash. We went outside and saw a car… partly still on the road… partly on the curb… and partly on the sidewalk. A couple of us jogged up to the wreck. It looked like the car had hit someone on the sidewalk. The guy was laying facedown with viscous purple stuff oozing out of his head. I looked at the car’s windshield and realized the guy had gone right through it. I am trained in first aid (former lifeguard) but knew his head injuries were too bad for anyone to move him. Someone called 911. Wear your seat belts, people.

14. “Stuff dripping from the ceiling is extra disheartening.”

My father, my reaction: “I can’t fix this”, the story: typical WWII vintage rifle pressed muzzle to roof of mouth for suicide, blood shooting in two solid streams from where the upper part of his head had been clear across the rest of the bed onto the chair against the wall. Muzzle blast is EFFECTIVE! Stuff dripping from the ceiling is extra disheartening.

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