If You Choose To Lose Me

If you choose to lose me
i’ll answer the questions, make up lies
try to explain what happened, what didn’t happen
why we didn’t try, why i gave up
ignore comments under breaths,
the i told you so’s
i will tell myself i won’t recover,
find new outlets to recover,
pick back up bad habits and
all of the boys who stopped talking to me
will start find new reasons to start conversations with me,
ask about the weather and random questions that mean nothing
and i’ll crawl back into silence
i’ll write about sadness, about heartbreak, about
keeping to myself
i was always best at being unhappy
i was never meant to be a love poet
i’ll shut off the world,
i’ll finally finish to do’s i never had time to finish
i’ll begin cooking again,
see my friends more often, try to enjoy life
i won’t be consumed with worrying about jealousy
questions after the end of the night
someone wondering where I am
wondering where the hell I am
i won’t keep you from walking
i won’t stop you from making a choice that is rightfully yours
i’ll stay at the door, watch you leave,
listen as you say, you wanted me to leave
and listen to myself reply, was there another option?
but the door won’t reopen
it will be concrete, it will be steel,
it will be every metal, every material i can find
that will refuse to give way if a knock comes through
because I have learned from the past that
if I leave a door just a crack open,
they will come back
the doors will be bolted and i’ll hide behind the metal frame,
find all of the ways to repair without anyone knowing the pain
and the world will still revolve and
i’ll still go on like nothing happened
while in the back of my mind,
i will always be reminded of what could have been,
should have been
and in the front of my mind,
i’ll continue to remind myself that the best things in life
do not leave
so if you choose to lose me,
i won’t choose to return
if you choose to leave me,
please don’t try to come back