To My Boyfriend — Thank You For Loving Me

Twenty20 / @batoshka

To my boyfriend, I just want to take a moment to appreciate how wonderful you have been to me all this while.

Your little gestures speak volume about how deeply you care for me and having my good interest as your priority. Your resolute dedication to take care of me the best way you can mean the whole world to me. Your steely commitment to building a forever with me has been set in motion as you work your hardest to give me a better life.

I could count the ways I wish I could describe my love for you and it still wouldn’t convey the depth of my feeling. I could attempt at trying to explain how I feel for you and it still wouldn’t suffice. I could spend my whole life loving you and I would still wish for an eternity more with you.

You’re the one I can envision being with since the beginning. The love story I put my whole trust on. The soulmate I believe that the universe has conspired to bring us together.

I could see so clearly how we are so perfect for each other. We finish each other sentences. We are so similar with our likes and dislikes. We complement our differences and we are accepting of each other shortcoming. We understand that love is more of a conscious choice than something that just happens to us.

Thank you for always spoiling me silly with the never-ending treat and gift, your selfless compassion to think of me first, the ceaseless attention that you give me, and the infinite happiness that you bring into my life.

Because of you, I wake up braver each day to conquer the day. Because of you, I dive deeply into a sea of worries knowing with full certainty that I will emerge the victor just because I tried and it will make you so proud of me. Because of you, I accept and love myself more if it’s even possible because I know it is a confident and hopeful version of me that you fell for first. Because of you, I get to materialize my wildest fantasy of finding my forever person and get to live out every day with you in this concrete reality.

Because of you, my heart grows fuller and wider to accommodate the space of your presence that now occupies the whole of it.

Because of you, I learn to be more trusting that it’s okay to lean onto another for support when the burden becomes too heavy to bear. Because of you, I am unapologetically and totally myself as I get more comfortable in my skin. Because of you, my days are purposeful and driven as we strive towards a common goal for our future. Because of you, I want to better myself so that I can love you more and be there for you in every way. Because of you, my days become richer, more vibrant and fulfilling as we embark on countless adventures together and leave an imprint on all the places we travel to.

Because of you, I get to experience true love.

Because of you, I stop running from love and I’m no longer afraid to love so openly, unrestrainedly, and wholeheartedly.

Because of you, I have finally found a love that stays. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

I write about falling in love and out of love.

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