Instead Of Texting Your Ex During The Holidays, Read These Winter Romances
Toa Heftiba

When You Meet The Right One, You Will Just Know

You’re not supposed to settle for fear that you couldn’t find the one you’re looking for.


One day you will meet the person of your dream while you’re not looking.

It may be a random date that you almost not go, a twist of fate that leads you to the meeting, or a coincident encounter that changes your life forever. Whichever way you meet them, it will definitely be a life-changing experience that you will remember for the rest of your life.

You won’t expect too much at first because you’re used to things not working out for you. You’re accustomed to temporary relationships that slip out of your life easily. You’re guarded about meeting people who only wanted something from you while putting in the minimum effort. You’re exhausted from having your heart broken due to your past experiences. You’re afraid that this would lead to eventual heartbreak that you swore you would avoid at all cost.

The thing that you’ll soon learn is that the right person will give you all the right feelings.

He will make every effort to put you as his priority and support you in every endeavor of yours. He will make your heart beat faster and you smile wider for all the right reasons. He will grow to love the person you’re and proud to be with. He will love you deeply in the present and wants to materialize forever with you.

The most wonderful part is that you believe every single word he said because he has given you no reason to doubt him. There is not an inkling of confusion or uncertainty in your mind. You’re nervous yet excited about what the future holds for you and him. The thought of him gives you a warm fuzzy feeling that spread a smile across your face. You feel serene and calm thinking of him as his dedication towards you is unwavering and persistent.

So please never settle when it comes to love. Never accept a love that doesn’t fight for you and continue to give you their wholehearted best. Never silent the voice in your head when you feel that something is terribly wrong yet you couldn’t put a finger on it. Never diminish your worth and stay with someone who doesn’t make you happier than you ever been. Never think that you need love to feel complete.

If someone you’re dating keeps you in the grey area, have the courage to end this ambiguous arrangement. If you have to tolerant toxic and less than ideal behaviors, walk away immediately. If you cannot picture anything long-term with him, listen to the voice inside you to leave. If you have to wonder if he’s the right one then he probably isn’t. If you’re feeling hopeless at the prospect of love, appreciate the important people in your life and accept that love isn’t solely found in a romantic partner. If you’re starting to feel jaded about dating and relationship, maybe you should take a break and focus on yourself first.

Because somewhere deep inside you, you know that love isn’t supposed to be this difficult and frightening. There isn’t supposed to be more down than up, more tears than smiles, and more negativity than positivity. You’re not supposed to settle for fear that you couldn’t find the one you’re looking for.

And somewhere within you, you know that you never have to wonder with the right person.