You Can’t Make Someone Love You
Love isn’t about playing games, or waiting for someone to make a move. Love isn’t about getting jealous, overanalyzing the small things, or worrying about winning all the time. Love shouldn’t be about trying to end up being the one who doesn’t get hurt.
Lauren Anne
I think one of the biggest mistakes we ever make is believing that we can change someone or the way they feel about us. Maybe it’s human nature. Maybe it’s hopefulness. Whatever it is, we need to stop doing it.
It’s simple. You can’t make someone love you.
I’m too young to fully understand what love is, but I’ve gathered enough to know a little bit about what love isn’t.
Love isn’t about playing games, or waiting for someone to make a move. Love isn’t about getting jealous, overanalyzing the small things, or worrying about winning all the time. Love shouldn’t be about trying to end up being the one who doesn’t get hurt.
I think a lot of times we want to convince ourselves that we are in love. We want to have that magical feeling, but what we’re missing is that it’s not something you can control. It’s not something that you can just make happen.
Each and every one of us is unique and unfathomably special, but those qualities can often make us doubt ourselves about ever finding someone who understands us. To find the love we long for, we must stop looking. We must accept our uniqueness as well as accept that love will find us.
I cannot wait for the day when I know. Everyone always seems to talk about finding someone and just “knowing” that they were the one. It seems crazy to think that one person could complement us so perfectly that life without them would be unimaginable.
Honestly, if we stopped trying to change people to fit into that special place in our hearts, it may be a whole lot easier to find them, or have them find us.
I think I may have figured love out, at least a little bit.
True love is not having to try to make it love. It just happens.
Never try to make someone love you, no matter how much you want to. The love we truly want and the love we deserve does not need to be forced.
You can’t make someone love you; you just have to trust that someone will.