Next Time, I’ll Choose A Man Who Actually Knows My Worth
Brooke Cagle

Next Time, I’ll Choose A Man Who Actually Knows My Worth

I will choose men who will appreciate being in my presence. I will choose men who will respect me the way you didn’t know how.


The men I will date after you, I will always compare to you. You are the standard for what I will accept and will not accept. Thank you for teaching me my worth.

The men who come after you, I will surely compare to you. The things you complained about that I constantly did wrong, the men after you will adore. They way you hated the food I would make, the men after you will pleasantly enjoy. The things that annoyed you won’t matter to the men who come after you.

The men who come after you will accept me the way I am. They will accept me the way I am because I will choose them wisely. I will choose men who will appreciate being in my presence. I will choose men who will respect me the way you didn’t know how. I hope that the men after you will know how to love me, love me the way you couldn’t.

The men who come after you won’t know you. They won’t know what we had together. They won’t understand what we went through together. All the men after you I will always compare to you.

The men who come after you will thank you for letting me go. They will thank you for teaching me what I deserve. The men who come after you will thank you for preparing them for the storm they will surely endure when they date me.

The men after you will understand what it is like to date a girl who knows her worth.

The men who come after you will thank you for the time you and I shared together but know that we weren’t meant to last. The men who come after you will thank you for sharing me with them. The men after you will want to be a part of my life in ways you couldn’t be; in ways that you didn’t know how to be.

That’s the beauty of this world, there are so many people in it that what one person will take for granted, another will be grateful for. I hope you find someone who will be grateful for you the way the men after you will be grateful for me.

You will always be what I compare other men to. For that, I thank you. Thought Catalog Logo Mark