If You Ever Have To Choose Between Me and Someone Else, Please Do Not Pick Me

If there ever comes a time when someone else catches your attention, captures the heart that I’ve been trying to take care of for so long, please do not choose me. If the time ever comes when you think that I am not enough and you want more, please do not choose me.
Do not choose me just because you know you are safe with me. Yes, there is no doubt that I will never hurt you, but what about me?
Who will save me if I catch you staring into thin air, wishing it is her you are with? Who will save me if I catch you texting her while I’m sitting right beside you? Who will save me if you call her name instead of mine? Who will save me if you love her more than you love me?
Do not choose me just because we’ve been together for God knows how long. If we are together and after all that time you are still not sure I am the one, then please do not try and make me the one.
Do not choose me just because you feel guilty. You should, so please just leave. Do not choose me because you know I deserve more. Let me have the chance to meet someone who will never have to choose.
Do not feel guilty if I loved you more than you deserve, it’s my choice. So, please, just go, pack your bags, and close the door. I don’t want to be with someone who’s never sure if I’m the one he wants to be with.
Do not choose me just because you’re afraid that it might not work out. Or, that I might find someone better than you. Or, that she might never love you the way I do.
Do not choose me, choose her.
Because if you really loved me, I would not be one of the choices. Not A, not B, not C. I will be the final answer.
But if that’s not the case, I will not fight against it. I’d gladly give you up.
Do not choose me, not because it’s easy for me to no longer love you. Do not choose me, not because I don’t have enough confidence.
Do not choose me, not because I can’t fight for you. I don’t want to fight against someone else for you, someone who, in the end, you will somehow choose.
Do not choose me just because I chose you. If you really love me, it will always be me. Just me. No other reason, no other explanation.
So, please, if there is someone who will come between us, do not bother to think.
Just choose her.