To The Friends Who Love Us, No Matter How Crazy We Are
Thank you for teaching me how to stand up for myself. Thank you for making me feel like I'm worth something more.
By Kristen Lee

Thank you for saving my drunk ass from the streets of New York as I literally sprinted around without looking any which way. Thank you for tolerating me when I got grumpy and was just not making an effort to hide it. Thank you for attempting to wingman me in a wingless situation, in my studio, at 4am, when a person had already K.O.’d in my bed.
Thank you for making me Easy Mac the first night we met when it looked like I was about to fall over. Thank you for still being my friend after I gave you a lap dance, blacked out. Thank you for letting go of my shittiness when I decided I would be an awful friend for a semester or a year. Thank you for understanding my jealousy and insecurities. Thank you for coming to hear me sing, even though I forgot the lyrics. Thank you for singing with me as we both forgot the lyrics.
Thank you for making me breakfast. Thank you for walking me home. Thank you for flying to the other side of the world just to visit me. Thank you for even checking if there was reasonable airfare available, even when you were in the middle of your own crisis. Thank you for introducing me to your family. Thank you for freaking out momentarily when I joined you in bed at 3am but then still cuddling with me. Thank you for the surprise party I’ll never forget.
Thank you for coming to hang out with me even when you were working night shifts and weren’t sleeping. Thank you for sharing your wine, amongst other things. Thank you for receiving all of my Bank of America texts while I was out of the country. Thank you for helping me do my taxes while I had a mental breakdown on the side. Thank you for liking all of my photos blindly. Thank you for helping me choose what filter to use on Instagram.
Thank you for reading all of the things I write, even when they were melodramatic and angsty, which they always are.
Thanks for not making things awkward after we…you know. Thank you for non-stop texting me even when I was non-stop unresponsive, seriously. Thank you for talking me out of my sobbing, not-so-sober self on my birthday. Thank you for always checking in on me, even though I know you have your own life to live. Thank you for knowing the truth even when I was lying to myself.
Thank you for not punching me for my lack of volume control. Thank you for tolerating the gutter which my mind seems to live in. Thank you for opening up to me about what makes you ache and whom you’ve loved. Thank you for sharing a Spotify playlist with me. Thank you for calming me down with rational remarks that weren’t too harsh. Thank you for teaching me how to clean a toilet. Thank you for listening to me talk about the same boy over and over again. Thank you for dancing with me until 5am.
Thank you for listening to me scream Justin Bieber songs at the club without getting embarrassed. Thank you for not making it a big deal when you could hear me puking in the bathroom. Thank you for giving me a place to sleep for the summer. Thank you for the Girl Scout cookies.
Thank you for inspiring my personal style. Thank you for being basic and doing face masks with me on Friday nights. Thank you for forcing me to go kickboxing so I would be a little less fat. Thank you for stopping by on my last night in New York and eating Shake Shack with me.
Thank you for talking me through what to text back. Thank you for keeping my secrets. Thank you for not being flakey and sticking to plans. Thank you for always showing up and being reliable. Thank you for not judging me.
Thank you for teaching me how to stand up for myself. Thank you for making me feel like I’m worth something more.
Thank you for making me feel a little less crazy when I was feeling like Kween Krazy. Thank you for the verbal validation and words of affirmation because you know I need them.
Thank you for coming back. Thank you for not forgetting. Thank you for still being my friend even when we’re oceans away. Thank you for being my friend, because good lord, I don’t know how you do it sometimes.