I Love You Because You’re Imperfect

Because you're flawed and human and never too proud to admit when you're wrong.


Twenty20 / @Lesia.Valentain

I love you because you’re imperfect.

Because you don’t try to act like you’ve got life figured out. Because you’re not parading around like a God among men. Because you’re flawed and human and never too proud to admit when you’re wrong.

I love you because you try.

Because you’re always striving to be better. Because the only person you compete with is yourself. Because you’re able to look at mistakes and see opportunities for growth. Because you never stop giving it your all.

I love you because you approach life with a sense of humor.

Because you don’t take things too seriously. Because you know it’s easier to get through the day if there’s something to laugh about it. Because you make me laugh. Because our laughter is energizing, keeps us going.

I love you because you’re not afraid to say how you feel.

Because the world can be chaotic and messy and we all feel alone sometimes. Because you speak about the things others shy away from. Because you verbalize feeling behind or confused and it makes the rest of us feel understood. Because you’re not sure where you’re going, but you always remind me we’ll get there together.

I love you because you aren’t a fantasy.

Because you’re real and don’t always do the things I hope you will or say the things I dream of. Because you’re here, in the flesh, a real person with issues just like me. Because I didn’t create you in some factory. Because you don’t only exist in my dreams. Because you’re complex and wonderful, and I’m so lucky to love you.

I love you because of what we’ve been through together.

Because we’ve faced hardships hand in hand. Because the road has been bumpy and we’ve taken a few detours, but we never stopped driving. Because we never give up.

I love you and you love me.

And that’s a beautiful, beautiful thing. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Kris Miller

popcorn aficionado & full time hopeless romantic.

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