If He Does These 7 Things, (Sorry) He’s Just Not Into You

He utters the sentence, "You deserve better than me."


Vince Perraud
Vince Perraud

1. He doesn’t text you back for days.

His excuse of “sorry, I’ve been busy” is just that, an excuse. We make time for the people we’re interested in. And considering we’re all pretty attached to our phones, it’s unlikely he missed your text. Responding just wasn’t a priority.

2. He never initiates plans.

You’re always the one trying to hang out or do something. Relationships are a two-way street. And if you’re the only one putting in any work, that’s a warning sign.

3. He is only interested when sex is an option.

He’s the booty call King. Sure, he’s eager to see you if he thinks you might hook up, but loses interest after.

4. He makes sexual jokes about your friends.

If he keeps talking about how attractive Katie is, guess what? This MAY shock you, but…he might be more into Katie. Sorry.

5. When in conversation, he only focuses on himself.

He doesn’t ask about you, your day, what’s new with you. Every conversation you have feels like a one person monologue. It’s always about him. No back and forth.

6. If you invite him to an event or gathering, he tends to say no.

It’s not uncommon for you to ask him to join you and some friends and have him say, “Let me know when you’re finished and maybe we can hang.” He’s not willing to put in the time (and let’s be real, awkwardness) that comes with meeting new people.

7. He utters the sentence, “You deserve better than me.”

Before you start psychoanalyzing him to figure out exactly what he meant. Listen. This is him gently saying, “I’m not that into you. Don’t waste your time.” Thought Catalog Logo Mark