This Is Me Choosing To Leave
This is me closing the door. This is me finally believing that I deserve more than I did before.
This is me choosing to leave.
This is me choosing myself. This is me knowing that I tried my hardest, that I did not go down without fighting the good fight. That I gave my best effort to make it work, and still, it was not enough. This is me accepting that if I continue giving all of my heart to those willing to throw it away, I will have nothing left for myself one day.
This is me choosing to leave.
This is me choosing a different path. This is me understanding that just because you did not love me the way I wanted you to does not mean you did not love me the best way you knew how to. This is me respecting the fact that you have a different journey to travel along, one that no longer includes me.
This is me choosing to leave.
This is me choosing to walk away. This is me recognizing that it is time to listen to logic, even when my tender, aching, hopeful heart is breaking and begging me to stay. This is me digging as deep as possible within myself to find the courage to go, to be brave enough to leave the past behind and walk forward toward all of the unknowns.
This is me choosing to leave.
This is me closing the door. This is me finally believing that I deserve more than I did before. This is me realizing that not all of the dreams we dreamt together were strong enough to come true, that I am ready to say goodbye to the idea of me and you.
This is me choosing to leave.
This is me hoping that when I do, you will be able to let me go.