12 Women Share The Non-Physical Attribute That First Attracted Them To Their Boyfriend

“The way he talked about his family. It was sweet and heartfelt and genuine and I was instantly into him after that.”


Colin Cassidy

1. “He was just so interesting to talk to; we skipped all the boring typical small talk questions and had the most random conversations and discovered really cool things about each other instead of just ‘what do you do for work?’ and I found him instantly memorable.”
–Kayla, 27

2. “The way he introduced himself. He was confident and warm without being arrogant or douchey. And that is very very rare.”

–Alicia, 23

3. “I first met him through a group of friends, and he was kind to every person he came in contact with. Every new friend, every bartender, every sever, etc. That shows you a lot about someone.”

–Jasmine, 26

4. “I loved the way he talked about his job. It was not at all arrogant or braggy. He was just really passionate about what he did and would get really excited about it and loved to talk about it and then would apologize for being too eager – it was just really endearing to see somewhat that thrilled about what they do.”

–Cassandra, 30

5. “He asked me a lot of questions about myself, and he looked at me like he was generally interested when I answered them. I think that’s a really attractive quality in anyone.”

–Erika, 29

6. “The way he talked about his family. It was sweet and heartfelt and genuine and I was instantly into him after that.”

–Stephanie, 24

7. “His laugh. It was really silly and I loved that.”

–Kathryn, 31

8. “He never interrupted me or tried to explain things to me.”

–Kristen, 27

9. “I met him because we had mutual friends and everybody went out together and his sister was visiting him and he was so sweet to her and looking out for her and I thought it was so telling about what kind of guy he was.”

–Laura, 23

10. “He was a really calming person to be around. Not boring, just really someone who put you at ease.”

–Rebekka, 25

11. “He made everybody feel welcome in the conversation whenever we were in a social setting.”

–Hannah, 28

12. “The fact that I talked to him for two hours after meeting him at a party and literally thought only like twenty minutes had gone by.”

–Caitlin, 26 Thought Catalog Logo Mark