15 Uplifting Reminders For Anyone Entering 2017 As A Single Person

The only timeline that you need to abide by is your own. If you fall in love, it will be at the right time for you. If you get married, it will be at the right time for you. There is no way to get the timing wrong – your timing is the right timing.



1. Relationships can bring such an incredible amount of joy and happiness and growth to your life, but they are not the only way that you can experience true fulfillment.

2. You can create happiness out of what you already have, instead of always being on the ‘hunt’ for it.

3. The more you believe that you are deserving of love, the less time you’ll waste on people who don’t deserve you.

4. Remember, even when it’s hard, that there are a lot of good things about being on your own. You can make just about any decision in your life – moving to a new city, applying for a new job, making a big purchase, changing career paths – without having to worry for one second about how it will affect someone else.

5. Think about all the times you have been hurt in the past, it will remind you of how truly strong and resilient your heart is.

6. You are allowed to have a good life and to feel lonely at the same time.

7. You have every right to love yourself – to treat yourself kindly, to give yourself the sleep and the good food that your body needs, to do things that make you happy, to have things in your life that make you feel peaceful and content.

8. It’s better to be on your own, with a strong sense of who you are, than in a relationship with someone just because you don’t know who you are without them.

9. Romantic love is only one of an infinite number of ways you can experience love in your life.

10. You have time.

11. When you’re hurting, or you’re feeling alone, or you are in need of love, you are allowed to admit it, and to ask for love from the people who care about you. They will be more than happy to give it.

12. The fact that you haven’t found someone yet doesn’t mean you need to change who you are – it just means you have to wait for the right puzzle piece, the one that’s out there somewhere and waiting to line up next to yours.

13. You don’t need to explain your love life to anyone.

14. The only timeline that you need to abide by is your own. If you fall in love, it will be at the right time for you. If you get married, it will be at the right time for you. There is no way to get the timing wrong – your timing is the right timing.

15. You are enough and always will be, just as you are. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

Read This: You Are Enough by Becca Martin, available here.
