26 Times Twitter Told The Truth About What Tinder Is Actually Like
"i wish they made a tinder for people who were hungry so u could match with other hungry people and go for food."
Kim Quindlen

When you want a group picture for tinder but need to make sure the girls know which one you are… #genius #tinder pic.twitter.com/H8bBUxNyKO
— Liv Lord (@lordie21) August 8, 2016
This will be said by men on 56.8% of all Tinder dates tonight. https://t.co/cz3FE0pUUF
— Steven I. Weiss (@steveniweiss) July 29, 2016
Me on tinder dates pic.twitter.com/4mooHUj2pq
— Jules (@julessssssss_) July 28, 2016
Been in Brooklyn for like 90 minutes and I’ve already seen multiple dudes get shut down on tinder dates.
— adult pretentious (@kidpretentious) July 29, 2016
Friend: “How’s your day going??”
Me: “I just re-downloaded Tinder.”
Friend: “Oh….ok let me know when you feel better”
— Jessi Smiles (@jessismiles__) August 8, 2016
“I’m on tinder for the dogs not the dates”
— emma haigh (@emma_haigh7) July 29, 2016
hey @Tinder I’m just trying to express my lawfully God-given American right to be harassed by underwhelming white boys on the Internet
— ✨flower housewife✨ (@flowerhousewife) August 8, 2016
just want a tinder for finding female friends I feel like that would be such a happy place we could organise friend dates and gossip #dream
— flo (@floholt) August 7, 2016
is this how tinder social started pic.twitter.com/WmGkPdoEmx
— jules (@semiconlon) August 8, 2016
I go on tinder dates for free food ✨✨✨
— Queen Snowflake ❄️ (@margiee329) July 30, 2016
tinder bio: i am beautiful and everything hurts my feelings
— rust belt royalty (@ulnea) August 8, 2016
i wish they made a tinder for people who were hungry so u could match with other hungry people and go for food
— Craig Butler (@MrCraigButler) August 7, 2016
is there a tinder where you don’t hook up but fall asleep together?
— Sam Grittner (@SamGrittner) August 7, 2016
People say dudes like chicks who are disinterested and mean to them, so I changed my Tinder ‘About Me’ to “I hate you already.” Now we wait.
— Sarah (@thetigersez) August 6, 2016
So its “lame” to be young & committed but “lit” for single people to go on 25 dusty ass Tinder dates to Starbucks?
…I’ll be lame then…
— QueenGiGi (@GigiMetty) July 29, 2016
Me:*Swipes left on everyone*
Friend: Why do u do that
Me: I want to be alone
Friend: Why have tinder
Me: I want to be alone but with options— Heidi Priebe (@HeidiPriebe1) August 4, 2016
*Sees ex on Tinder*
Me: Don’t swipe.
*Swipes anyway*
Me: pic.twitter.com/eIZcVzL7q4— Ira Madison III (@ira) August 3, 2016
I’m open to love! (I told someone on Tinder I would text them in a month)
— Brittani Nichols (@BisHilarious) August 3, 2016
me on tinder: love to adventure! :)
me irl: someone please kill me
— eric curtin (@dubstep4dads) August 1, 2016
When I was on Tinder, my entire strategy was “I hope this girl likes perfect spelling, grammar and sentence structure.”
— Ian Saint Karmel (@IanKarmel) August 1, 2016
This girl’s tinder profile literally just says “please don’t stalk me”, which wins out as the most honest female bio of all time.
— Heidi Priebe (@HeidiPriebe1) August 1, 2016
I don’t know what Tinder Social is but I know I want it dead.
— Zach Heltzel (@zachheltzel) July 31, 2016
Some white people have a really specific horrible personality and the only way I know how to describe it is that they remind me of tinder
— misunderstood worm (@_blotty) July 31, 2016
When you see one of your tinder matches in the club pic.twitter.com/DWnDvcSYjq
— A(dam) B(right) (@AdamBradBright) July 30, 2016