30 Silly, Little Things In Your Relationship That Prove You've Found Your Person
The H Hub

30 Silly, Little Things In Your Relationship That Prove You’ve Found Your Person

Loving the small, random things about them, like their hands or the way they run or how they pronounce a certain word.


1. Laughing just because they’re laughing.

2. Suddenly having fun running errands or doing chores, just because you get to do it together.

3. When one of you fights sleep just to keep the other company.

4. Loving the small, random things about them, like their hands or the way they run or how they pronounce a certain word.

5. When they get up to shower before you so you have an “excuse” to stay in bed a little longer.

6. Late night car rides.

7. And late night car talks.

8. Having a never-ending amount of inside jokes.

9. Watching them interact with kids and falling in love even harder.

10. Being able to vent about people in a safe place, without feeling like you’re gossiping.

11. Taking a nap on the couch while they’re doing work beside you.

12. And just having someone who’s always down to take a nap with you, too.

13. When they remember something you said you liked – a beer, a movie, a type of flower – and they surprise you with it.

14. Being punch-drunk together when you’re both really exhausted.

15. Surprise little handwritten notes that make your entire day.

16. The first big laugh you share after an argument.

17. Having a restaurant or bar that you always go to together.

18. Compliments for no reason.

19. Getting a “thank you” for something you thought they hadn’t even noticed.

20. Always having a travel buddy.

21. Nesting on the couch on a Saturday morning.

22. Never feeling like you’re boring them when you talk about your passions.

23. When they tell you “it’ll be okay” and you know you can trust them.

24. Receiving an encouraging text when they know you have a big day at work.

25. Accidentally spending an hour watching YouTube videos together.

26. Tagging each other in funny Instagram posts.

27. Inconspicuous hand-holding in a public place.

28. Learning new things from them.

29. Staying in together on a weekend night.

30. Knowing that you’ll stick together, no matter what. Thought Catalog Logo Mark