
Be With The Person Who Sets Your Soul On Fire

Be with the person who makes your heart feel like it could burst, the one who gives you goosebumps and makes the hair stand up at the back of your neck, because the way that they say "I love you" sounds more lovely coming from their lips than it has from any other person who…



Be with the person who makes you feel completely whole on your own, and completely whole with them too.

Be with the person who makes you forget about being normal, the one who makes you feel so loved for all the weird and unideal aspects of your personality that you were once embarrassed by and ashamed of.

Be with the person who makes you feel excited to wake up in the morning, because sharing your world with them has provided you with a kind of joy you have never experienced with anyone or anything else.

Be with the person who makes you want to be honest, not just because that’s what’s right, but because you want them to know the most genuine, truthful version of you that there is, and you want to know the same version of them.

Be with the person who makes your heart feel like it could burst, the one who gives you goosebumps and makes the hair stand up at the back of your neck, because the way that they say “I love you” sounds more lovely coming from their lips than it has from any other person who has ever said it to you in your life.

Be with the person who brings you insane amounts of joy when you watch them sleep peacefully beside you, because at least, even just for right now, you can watch their chest move slowly up and down, and feel the gratitude rush through your veins simply from knowing that in this moment, that they are safe and warm.

Be with the person who makes you feel more loved and cherished in one look than dozens of others have made you feel in a lifetime.

Be with the person who tells you when you’re honestly being selfish, or lazy, or a brat, or a coward, because you know that you can always trust them to tell you what you need to hear. Be with them because you know they’ll treat you like a three-dimensional person, a person who has flaws, a person who is a work-in-progress, instead of a snowflake that is too frail for criticism or reprimanding.

Be with the person who brings you an unquenchable sense of happiness simply from knowing that they are happy, the person who makes your eyes well up when you watch them smile in a moment of triumph, or accomplishment, or love.

Be with someone who expects the best out of you, not because of some insane, impossible-to-fill set of standards, but because they know your heart and your mind and they know what you’re capable of. Be with the person who challenges you to do more, because they know you can handle it, and they know you are more than what you give yourself credit for.

Be with the person who makes you understand what it feels like to care more about someone else’s health, safety, and wellbeing than you do your own, because it is in this moment, more than many others, that you truly understand the intense power of love that can occur between two souls.

Be with the person who makes you want to be a better person, not because they’re pressuring you or making you feel inadequate, but because you feel so much respect and pride for them that it makes you want to work harder, at everything, every day of your life.

Be with the person whose scent, more than any other scent in the world, makes you feel like you’re home.

Be with the person who makes you want to open up and embrace your vulnerabilities, even if it makes you feel terrified and uneasy. Be with them because you know that in spite of that discomfort, opening yourself up to them still makes you feel more safe and more free than you have ever felt prior to this.

Be with the person who makes you feel soft and indestructible at the same time.

Be with the person who doesn’t make you feel like you need to be carried, nor like you need to be the one doing all the heavy lifting. Instead, be with the person who makes you feel like you’re one-half of a steady team, the one who makes you feel like you have someone to lean on when you’re hurting, and the one who makes you want to summon every last ounce of strength possible in order to make them feel safe when they’re hurting.

Be with the person who makes you feel like your soul lives inside their body, the one who makes you shake or tremble or lose your breath from the thought of something happening to them. Be with this person not because your body and heart deserve to feel this kind of pain and worry, but because it will show you how much more human connections matter to you than the materialistic things that cannot go with you into the next universe. Be with this person because they will help you to understand that the most divine happiness you will ever feel is the one that also comes with such a risk of loss and heartache.

Be with the person who makes you feel the most like yourself, not because they determine who you are, but because your feelings for them, your tenderness for them, and your willingness to do anything in the world to make them happy, are the things that make you feel the most in tune with that which makes up the core of your human essence: love. Thought Catalog Logo Mark