15 Things You Should Know Before You Date Someone Who’s Hard On The Outside But Soft On The Inside

Teasing you and goofing around with you will always be their favorite way to flirt.



1. They’re not afraid to give you your space. In fact, sometimes, the more space and freedom there is in the relationship, the more they’ll find themselves being drawn to you.

2. Sometimes, they’re sarcastic simply because they love being silly and witty. Other times, they’re using it to mask something that’s actually really digging at them. You’ll probably get really, really good at differentiating between the two.

3. They tend not to cry very often. But that doesn’t mean that they aren’t sensitive or compassionate. In fact, they sometimes feel things even more deeply than most outwardly emotional people.

4. Teasing you and goofing around with you will always be their favorite way to flirt.

5. But while they love being silly and lighthearted all the time, they’ll also be incredibly loyal and dedicated to you.

6. So although it’s not really their style to hug you and kiss you every five seconds and tell you how much they love you, they’ll find their own, subtle ways of showing you how important you are to them.

7. Whenever you ask them “What’s wrong?” they’ll tell you that everything’s fine. And you’ll have to ask them about 17 more times before they ever actually admit that something’s bothering them and that they need to talk about it.

8. They love playing it cool with you when you’re out at some social event together. And then later that night, they’re the one rolling over to you for some much-needed cuddling.

9. Sure, it’s nice to feel physical chemistry with someone. But nothing excites them more than funny banter back and forth with someone they are really into.

10. They tend to be very independent, even more so than most people. Sometimes, they just need some time to themselves to recharge their batteries and give themselves some breathing room. But during their alone time, they’re almost definitely missing you.

11. They love surprising you with little unexpected gifts, nights out, and simple acts of kindness. While to everyone else, they may come off as cool, aloof, and tough, they’ll be the first one out of bed in the morning to make sure you have a fresh, hot cup of coffee.

12. Sometimes, they can be bad about lashing out about trivial things. If they’re upset because they forgot to DVR their favorite show or because the train to work was late today, it’s usually because of something deeper that’s bothering them, that they’re afraid to admit.

13. PDA is not their thing. Not because they’re prude, but because affection is a very special and sacred thing to them. They just don’t want to share you with anyone else.

14. Being on their bad side is not an ideal situation to be in. But being on their good side is pretty much the best thing ever.

15. You’ll become more important to them than you’ll ever fully understand. They won’t talk to just anybody about their deepest thoughts and fears and emotions and worries. You’ll become more special to them than you can even imagine. Thought Catalog Logo Mark