What Your Favorite Childhood Disney Movie Says About Who You Date As An Adult
Kim Quindlen

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
You’re a hopeless romantic. Your friendships are extremely important to you, but at the end of the day, you’re looking for that one person who you can count on when you need it most.
You’re attracted to people who have a curious and passionate thirst for life. Although their desire for adventure can sometimes get them into trouble, they always fix their own mistakes. Nothing is more important to you than being with someone who’s honest and morally sound.
You have a soft spot for anyone who goes against typical cultural “norms.” The more unique someone is, the more attracted you are to them. You’ve found that the people whom society considers “different” are usually the most empathetic and interesting people you’ve ever met.
You have a tendency to date people who you know will break your heart.
Love at first sight, in your opinion, is definitely possible. You’re fascinated by the idea of finding someone with whom the attraction, chemistry, and feelings are instantaneous.
Alice in Wonderland
You like to date people who challenge you to open your eyes and look at the world in ways you never have before. You tend to go for people who are spunky, mysterious, and often a puzzle that you’re determined to figure out.
Peter Pan
Anyone with a childlike wonder and a giddy disposition is instantly attractive to you. You want to date someone who, while responsible, also knows not to take life too seriously.
Lady and the Tramp
You love the idea of unrequited love, of romances that should never happen, of dating someone who comes from a totally different background than you do. You want to be with someone who will teach you, someone who will help you grow, and someone who will remind you that there’s a whole world outside of your bubble.
Sleeping Beauty
You are fascinated by the idea of timeless love, and you want to be with someone who will go through any amount of danger to help you when you’re in trouble.
One Hundred and One Dalmatians
You love fiercely, you want to be with someone who will do anything to protect their loved ones, and you obviously want a huge family.
The Sword in the Stone
You don’t really have a type. Whenever you date someone new, they are always unexpected and completely different from the previous person you were with. You love dating different types of people and never knowing what to expect.
The Jungle Book
You’re a caregiver, and you can’t help being attracted to broken or lost souls that you know are in desperate need of love and nurturing.
The Aristocats
You want to be with someone who’s tough and knows how the world works, while still maintaining a gentle and friendly nature.
Robin Hood
You love a bad ass with a soft side.
The Rescuers/The Rescuers Down Under
At the end of the day, you’re just looking for someone who will make you feel at home, wherever you are, as long as you’re with them. You’re always attracted to people who give off a calming, comforting nature.
The Fox and the Hound
The most important thing in a relationship for you is having a best friend, someone who will be loyal and playful and silly with you, all at once.
The Great Mouse Detective
You’re a sucker for anyone with an air of mysterious intelligence. The people you go for are often whimsical and easily excitable, and you can never resist their fascinating nature.
Oliver & Company
Above all else, you value loyalty and trust. You want to be with someone who always has your back, and the backs of everyone else important in their life.
The Little Mermaid
Your parents and family are not necessarily always happy with your choices in partners, but you don’t care. What’s most important to you is being with someone that makes you feel alive, and happy, and excited about life.
Beauty and the Beast
You’re interested in someone who can look so much deeper than appearance. Someone who loves you for your brains and your heart and your soul, as opposed to how attractive you are.
Or, you have Stockholm Syndrome.
You’ll give your heart out to anyone that’s willing to show you a life full of adventure, exploration, new experiences, and excitement.
The Lion King
You love the stubborn, untamable types. The ones who are used to being on their own, but have reached a point where they’re ready to open their life back up to someone new.
You’re fiery, intense, and strong, and you’re looking for someone who is an even match for you, someone just as impassioned and fierce as you are.
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
One of your favorite ways to understand someone is to see if they treat their “inferiors” the same way they treat their “superiors.” You’re attracted to gentle, kind, accepting people, those capable of being endlessly empathetic, open-minded, and loving.
An impressive, popular, and strong person is never a bad thing. But what you really want in another person is a connection, a deep faithfulness, and a never-ending sense of support for one another, in good times and bad.
You’re looking for someone who’s going to support you in your desire to do something different than what’s expected from you. Your favorite quality in another person is their ability to look at life outside of cultural norms and expectations.
You can’t resist the dangerous type – someone who’s completely mysterious and foreign to you, someone who makes you feel nervous and giddy and alive all at the same time.
The Emperor’s New Groove
You’re just looking for a goofball. As long as you can be with someone silly and fun, you’ll be perfectly happy.
Atlantis: The Lost Empire
I have no idea.
Lilo & Stitch
You want someone who values family above all else. Because as we all know, Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten.
Treasure Planet
The person you’ll end up with might not be the most popular one in the bunch, but they are still a gem no less.
The Princess and the Frog
Perhaps a little past your childhood, but regardless – you want to be with someone who, while potentially irresponsible and lazy in the past, has developed a solid work ethic and a strong sense of responsibility, while still maintaining plenty of charm.