Humans of New York… such a simple, accessible, beautiful reminder that no two people are alike, everybody has a story, and you should never judge someone based on a first impression.
1. This post about what true love really means.
2. This gentle reminder to appreciate your partner in life.
3. This beautiful story about how you’re never too old to feel alive.
4. This post that proves we have some pretty amazing role models in the education system.
5. This touching, poignant, and simultaneously heart-wrenching story.
6. This post where you can practically feel the determination and fire oozing out of this person.
7. This incredible person who is teaching her students not to settle for less than they deserve as human beings.
8. This story that is not only a reminder of the unbreakable human spirit, but also a reminder of the disparity of wealth in our country.
9. This post that proves we all have trouble being “ourselves” sometimes.
10. This story about how you don’t have to follow the same path as everybody else in order to find happiness and fulfillment.
11. This reminder to take nothing in your life for granted.
12. This beautifully-expressed sentiment about women and, in particular, mothers.
13. This poignant post about how being successful is not just about working hard – it’s also influenced by the circumstances you were born into.
14. This beautiful moment in time.
15. This reminder that you’re never alone in your fears.