Find A Love That Feels Like Summer
Find a love that feels like summer.
Find a love that is warm, like feeling the sun on your skin. A love that hugs you like a soft towel around your body.
Find a love that feels the way sunsets look, like when orange and pink wed across the sky and it feels as if the colors are swallowing you whole. A love that feels like standing at the edge of the ocean and looking out to the horizon with a calm, hopeful spirit.
Find a love that feels safe for you to let your inner child out, to look at life as if everything is new and pure. A love that feels fun, like running through the sprinkler and feeling the grass between your toes. Find a love that is exciting, like chasing down the ice cream truck. A love that satisfies that craving you’ve had, but one you never get tired of tasting. Find a love that you want to savor.
Find a love that feels exhilarating, like diving into the ocean or racing your bike down an empty road. Find a love that feels like driving with the windows down, singing along to your favorite song, and feeling your hair blowing in the wind. Find a love that feels free.
Find a love that feels like summer, even when it’s cold and gray and you feel like despair is going to swallow you whole. A love that shines a light into your dark world. A love that is a comfort, a friend, a shoulder to cry on. A love that will reassure you that even if it doesn’t feel like it right now, everything will be okay.
Find a love that inspires hope. A love that makes you believe in love again — that makes you believe in life again.