Read This When You’re 23 And Still Haven’t Figured Out What’s Next

Jordan McQueen
Jordan McQueen

Ever had that one childhood plan wherein you’ve always imagined that when you reach the age of 23, you have your whole life planned out? That you’re settled and have a job that pays so well?

I did have that plan ever since I could remember. But I guess not everyone gets to have their life settled at their youthful age.

I am a 23 year old female, a fresh graduate and currently looking for a job. I’ve always thought that all my dreams and plans would fall perfectly into place but I guess life doesn’t seem to work that way. Life isn’t about rainbows and butterflies, it’s always more than that.

I am an engineering graduate and my years in college weren’t as good as I’ve always wanted it to be. Everything I have ever imagined when I wasn’t a college student is not what had happened to me. I’ve graduated, gotten my degree, but no one ever tells you exactly whatever it is that you have been dealing behind the graduation ceremony and how you’ve gotten your degree.

I am seeking for a job right now and I’ve been into interviews and have taken a couple of exams but I still have no luck and I’m still unemployed. Nonetheless, I’m still applying for available jobs and hoping that I get to have one soon.

My life was full of ups and downs. I’ve seen many people who graduated at 21 and have their wholes figure out. On the other hand, I’ve also seen people who are still at college at the age of 25 and are still struggling to pass all their subject.

With all these, I have come to a realization that not everyone has to have the standards in life. You do not need to be 21 and rich, you do not need to be 28 and get married and have kids. You do not need to be 25 with a stable job that pays all your bills and have the luxury to buy yourself anything you want.

What you need is to wait for your time perfectly because God has a good plan for you. If you applied for your dream job but that job never picked you, it is okay and it will be okay because there’s always a better one waiting for you. If you’re 22 and you weren’t able to graduate yet, always remember that you did your best.

With all the hardships and confusions that I’ve experienced, there was also a time that I wanted to give up yet God really loved me and made me feel that trusting Him is the best plan of my life. I may not be where I want to be yet but I’m definitely thankful that I am not where I was.

So, to all the youths out there, do not worry. Do your part, and God will do the rest. Never think that you’re falling behind, it’s not just your time yet. Your time will come and you’ll figure out the rest. Trust God’s plan and you’ll end up where you’re supposed to be. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Kate Padrinas-Nufable

Ecclesiastes 3:1 ♡

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