20 Things That Need To Be On Everyone’s BFF Bucket List
Actually make that harassing, "I'm always going to come first" speech you've talked about to a significant other/husband or wife-to-be.
Kate Bailey
1. Actually make that harassing, “I’m always going to come first” speech you’ve talked about to a significant other/husband or wife-to-be.
2. Get to the point where their parents are referring to you as their “other child.”
3. Plan a road trip weeks or months ahead of time, so you can intricately plan each stop, save money and of course have something to look forward to.
4. Throw at least just one “important” party for them, such as an engagement or bridal shower or (if you’re even cooler) a happy new promotion or housewarming.
5. Take a vacation vacation together. Sure, going abroad and exploring new cities has it’s time and place but so is having someone who you can just kick your feet back on the beach and get trashed at the pool bar with and know you won’t be judged.
6. Create (and employ) the intricate methods of party escape you always joke about, you know, the ones that consist of secret codes and signals and pretending you’re a couple at the bar.
7. Show up at their house with pizza.
8. Foot the bill for no reason other than just to show you love them and are grateful for everything they do for you.
9. Actually have a real “girl’s night,” one that does not consist of talking about any jerk that broke someone’s heart. This is girl’s night. The guy/girl who gets you all the rest of the time does not get this one night too.
10. A closet swap routine where you exchange a piece of clothing for X amount of time, then return it to take another, and so on and so forth.
11. Make a little list of rules (even just verbally) that you promise each other, for example, to keep in touch even just once in a while if life inevitably takes you separate ways, to say why you’re mad before you hold it in and let it explode, to always come back after a fight, etc.
12. (If you’re in a place to be doing so) help make online dating profiles for each other. It’s an awkward thing to do on your own, so why not hand it to someone you trust and who knows you better than anyone? Plus, it’s fun to make someone else’s, and takes the stress off of you. (Though, of course, mutually agree that this is something you want to do, don’t just surprise someone with it…)
13. Adopt a little pet together. A fish or a hamster. Keep it as your little friendship baby. Split responsibilities, and let it be another thing that keeps you seeing each other regularly.
14. Actually get to the point where your kids become friends.
15. Write down the the things you always joke about saying in your Maid of Honor speech and actually say them when the day comes.
16. Make sure you have adequate photos of the things you do together not to share on social media, but so you can look back and remember a day or moment or trip just as it was, no matter how unflattering. A picture is worth even more when you just keep it between you.
17. Get a box and start saving little things like movie tickets and beer bottle caps and those pictures you don’t want anybody else to see. Trust me, you’re going to want them in a few years, and if either of you are really crafty, you can scrapbook and what not.
18. Set each other up on blind dates.
19. Bring each other to hang out with your other friends, even just once.
20. Say thank you, and “I love you” as often as you can, whenever you get the chance.