Why The Beginning Stages Of Relationships Are Toughest For People With Anxiety

Amidst All The Heartaches, I Will Still Choose You

We can’t deny the fact that we’ve already hurt each other many times. Unintentional or intentional. Petty or serious. We’ve uttered curses, shouted in anger, hung up on each other. We’ve felt disappointments and there are issues that are yet to be mended. There have been so many attempts to give this up. To let go and to never see each other again. We’ve tried to part ways and we’ve gone too far. But after all, amidst all the heartaches, I will still choose you.

I will still choose you because I am committed to you.

The moment I gave my heart to you, I swore that you’ll always have it. I promised myself to be mature enough not to find someone better. Because the truth is, there’s none. No one can ever make me happier than you do. You are not perfect. I am not perfect. The relationship we share will never be perfect. That’s why we associate love with commitment. It helps us decide to stay despite any flaw our relationship bears. And I am happily committed to you because I can see how we grow together. How we make things better. How we heal with learning.

I will still choose you because love is a choice.

I didn’t just fell in love with you. I have loved you on purpose. I have loved you because I wanted to pour out my affection on you. Yes, it started with attraction. Yes, it started with admiration for the things you do and qualities you possess. But once I’ve loved you, it’s become an everyday choice for me. Even when the attraction gets loose. Even when there’s no more thing to admire. Choosing to love you means choosing to win a battle. It means choosing to finish a race with you. A race that we won’t stop running for just because we got tired and lost fire.

I will still choose you because I can hardly see my future with anybody else.

I cannot fathom tomorrow without you. I cannot see myself sharing warmth with a person other than you. The attachment. The foundation we’ve laid. That wild love. They’re our investment worth growing. They may say we should let it all go if we’re hurting that much, but I say that love is the best reason to hold on. Love will always light up our way together. It shall lead us along the road to that elusive thing called forever.

I will still choose you because I see your efforts trying to fix everything with me, too.

Whenever we get back to each other, we meet halfway. You don’t let me walk through all the distance back to us. You don’t let me do the fixing alone. I can still feel your presence even when we’re not keeping in touch. You show the willingness to make it up with me no matter what the problem is. You are as committed to me as I am with you. And even if we’re on the verge of losing the love, you always beckon me to go back to where and why we started. And that’s the best thing about you. You know my worth, and you desire to keep me.

I will forever choose you notwithstanding every reason not to. Because being with you has made my world so much better, as this love is just so true. TC mark

About the author

Karla Crisostomo

An insouciant soul, believer of joy in a mad world.