Do Not Pull Me In Any Closer

Do not pull me in any closer
Because people like me
Love too deeply
For I would write about you
Until my hands ache
And bleed
Across the page

Do not pull me in any closer
Because people like me
Love too deeply
For I would write about
The warmth of your arms,
The crook of your neck
Feeling more like home than the home I had created myself

Do not pull me in any closer
Because people like me
Love too deeply
We will bare our souls to you
Over a cup of coffee
But forget
Your love of tea

Do not pull me in any closer
Because people like me
Love too deeply
We will give you our flesh and bones
Build a home for you
Inside of us
Without you asking us to

Do not pull me in any closer
Because people like me
Love too deeply
We will learn to love the sound of your voice
And the way our fingers intertwine perfectly
But will grieve
When you choose to leave us

Do not pull me in any closer
Because people like me
Love too deeply
We will love you like the ocean
But will only drown you
In the end

Do not pull me in any closer
Because people like me
Love too deeply
And can’t love you any less
Than you deserve
Even if our love pulls you under our currents
Leaving you gasping for air

Do not pull me in any closer
Because people like me
Love too deeply
When you choose
To no longer hold our
Hearts within you
We think the only solution is to love you harder

Do not pull me in any closer
Because people like me
Love too deeply
For you to hold on to

So please don’t pull me in any closer

About the author

Karen Tang

Writer about all things from love and heartbreak from Vancouver, B.C.