Davide Cantelli

How To Become More Successful: Tips And Tricks From Famous People

Success doesn’t come easy. It’s the product of dedication, talent, hard work, and a lot of learning.


Davide Cantelli

Most of the young people dream of professional success and glorious careers. What they often neglect in that regard is the importance of good studying and self-development. Some of the biggest authorities in all fields of work emphasize that the consistency in learning is what made them so productive and outstanding.

One of the best football players in history, Brazil-born Pele, cleverly noted: “Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.” A vast majority of famous people are well aware of this fact and they nurture all sorts of daily habits which help them to achieve the planned objectives.

A long time ago, Nelson Mandela stated: “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” In this article, we will show you how you can study better using various tips and trick from famous people.

Daily routines which increase odds of success.

What keeps you going and gives you the motive to study depends on your personality. However, the general goal is to secure a fruitful future through learning, making knowledge your personal capital for the future.

According to John F. Kennedy, the goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth. But how do you improve knowledge and the results of your studying? Some daily routines are common to many famous persons and we decided to present you our top 5 picks. Let’s take a closer look here.

Get up early.

People often say that the early bird catches the worm but not a lot of them actually act this way. If you get up early, you have more than enough time to plan the day, set the short-term goals, and schedule your activities. Doing so, you will enhance the quality of studying because the brain is always fresh after sleep.

Bearing this in mind, it is not a surprise to discover that many famous persons get up very early: Apple CEO Tim Cook, the founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg, and Xerox CEO Ursula Burns – to name but a few. All of them know that they have to seize the day and use it only to complete important duties. Just like Tim Cook once said: “You can only do so many things great and you should cast aside everything else.”

Read a lot.

Reading is the essence of the learning process and some extremely successful individuals claim that it set the cornerstone for their career achievements. A billionaire Warren Buffett, TV host Oprah Winfrey and an extravagant scientist-businessman Elon Musk are some of those who strongly believe in the power of written works.

Allegedly, Buffett used to read as much as 600 pages each day in the early stages of his career, while Musk claims that he literally learned how to build rockets from the books. Needless to say, this is an essential suggestion for all students but also for teachers and young business people.

Work over time.

It’s a widely known fact that Mark Cuban, the owner of Dallas Mavericks, didn’t go on a vacation during the first 7 years of his private business. At the same time, Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer used to triple her weekly working hours while she was the member of Google’s team. These people know that they cannot replace hard work with intelligence, talent, or intuition.

Sometimes you just need to unplug and do what you have to do. Michael Jordan, the best basketball player of all times, knew this very well as he used to take thousands of jump-shots each week even in-between seasons. His famous quote precisely describes the principle of hard work: “Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.”

Exercise regularly.

One of the most popular Latin phrases claims that a healthy mind is in a healthy body. This couldn’t be more correct because training gives people both the physical and mental strengths to deal even with the most difficult professional challenges. Young people should know this just like Hillary Clinton, Haruki Murakami and Richard Branson know it.

These and many other famous persons conduct regular daily exercises and never skip training sessions. They do all sorts of exercises to remain healthy and in a good shape: yoga, swimming, jogging, cardio training, or weight lifting. Body fitness is simply a prerequisite of professional success, which is why you should follow these examples and exercise regularly.

Work gradually but steadily.

Some people don’t want to nurture the “all or nothing” approach in their lives. Instead, they prefer incremental work processes in a long period of time. This is especially characteristic for famous writers like Mark Twain, Ernest Hemingway or Stephen King. They all had the writing routine that kept them fruitful and productive.

For instance, Hemingway used to write for a few hours in the morning and then he would stop just to let the ideas flourish inside his head until the following day. On the other side, Twain and King used to set the minimum number of pages they ought to write each day and they would do it without exemptions. The most important thing in this model is to force yourself to start again on a daily basis. But just like Twain used to say: “”The secret of getting ahead is getting started.”

Success doesn’t come easy. It’s the product of dedication, talent, hard work, and a lot of learning. Some of the most famous people in the world often repeat how passion towards studying enabled them to become so prosperous and productive. Through learning, you gain valuable knowledge and also create the habit to work consistently. These are the basic preconditions of success, so do your best to follow these 5 suggestions and let us know in comments which one suits your character the most.