The Power Of Two Years

Girl Talks aBout First Love
Aziz Acharki

Two years ago from this date, August 1st, I met you. That is exactly 730 days or 17520 hours; long enough to laugh with you a thousand times and cry a million tears. Do you realize what can happen in two years?

In two years, you can experience the thrill of meeting somebody utterly perfect, or so you think. In two years, you can encounter an attraction like nothing you have experienced before. You find that every time their name pops up on your phone, your stomach does a little flip.

In two years, you can wake up every morning thinking about the same person and fall asleep every night doing the same. In two years, you can come to trust another person with your life. You can tell them every last secret. You may even allow them to see the most vulnerable sides of your soul without giving it a second thought.

In two years, you can start to picture a future with that special person. You can see you both having an honest relationship where you deeply love one another. The kind you only read about in a Nicholas Sparks novel. In two years, you can fall head over heels.

In two years, you can feel that once intense connection starting to weaken. You can feel the fear start to set in. In two years, you can lose who you are. You can become so infatuated with the thought of what you want that you lose sight of what you actually need.

In two years, you can wake up one day to realize you can’t remember the last time you were authentically yourself and happy with exactly who you are. In two years, you can experience heartbreak that destroys every part of you.

In two years, you could find that your panic attacks become so severe you find yourself crying yourself to sleep. You find yourself begging your doctor to help you get the pain in your chest to stop.

In two years, you can find yourself picking up the pieces. In two years, you can become strangers with the one person you thought you would never lose. In two years, you can find a strength from within that you never knew was possible.

In two years, you can completely rebuild who you are from the inside out. In two years, you can rediscover your self-worth. In two years, you can become your own hero. I know I did. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Jules Martin

I live to laugh.

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