The Woman I Actually Want To Be With

I recently read a piece recently about a man describing what he wanted in a woman, what he believes most men want in a woman, and how these qualities make the most beautiful and ideal woman to be with. I agreed with some of it but was also put off by how he tried to pretend the post represented what most men thought. He also used words such as “submissive” as positive qualities for women to have. I can’t support that notion, either. Because, you see, we’re all different. We all have different ideals and different things we’re attracted to. So, here is what I am looking for in my ideal partner, someone to date and then marry and possibly have children with.

I want a woman who doesn’t play games. I want a woman who isn’t put off by kindness, honesty, openness, and being direct. She shouldn’t be afraid of me showing her that I care.

I want a woman who knows how to be selfless but also values her self. I want a woman who doesn’t pretend she is busier than she is.

I want a woman who is willing to be honest with me even if it means hurting me. I want a woman who can bust my chops and be funny without being downright mean. I want a woman who is excited to be with me, who is excited by the very idea of me.

I want a woman who tries to give as good as she gets in the bedroom. She doesn’t have to be incredible. The effort is what matters.

I want a woman with an attractive face. Face is paramount. You look into it when you tell her you love her and you should at least attempt to look at it most of the time when she’s speaking. The other physical features are secondary—bonuses, but not essential.

I want a woman who lets me take the lead sometimes but also isn’t afraid to make the first move. I want a woman who doesn’t think I’m less manly if I cry about something worth shedding tears for.

I want a woman who wants to get married someday. I want a woman who doesn’t just admit it, but is honest about it. Admitting it makes it seem shameful. Want what you want.

I would prefer a woman who knows how to cook so she can teach me how to do it better. I really suck at cooking. It would be nice if she could cook for me, but I wouldn’t expect it.

I want a woman who would be careful and respectful with my money if I were providing for her. I want a woman who would respect my parents, friends, and family even if she didn’t like them.

I want a woman who would visit my grave if I died. I want a woman who might move on eventually if I died young.

I want a woman who would try to make time for me even if her career was demanding. I want a woman who loves what she does.

I want a woman who will love me and treat me well.

I want a woman I can fall in love with. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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About the author

Joseph Rauch

Author of “Teach Me How To Die”

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