13 People On The Argument That Ended Their Long-Term Relationship


1. “We’d been dating seriously for a year and a half and he still didn’t feel like it was time to meet my family.” —Maggie, 25


2. “We tried long distance, but she would get paranoid any time I talked about another woman. It got to the point where I felt like I was lying to her by not telling her about a funny work story because it featured a female coworker. So that’s what the fight was. She thought I was cheating on her because I went to happy hour with a bunch of coworkers and two of them happened to be women.” —Jake, 26


3. “The short story: we broke up because he hadn’t seen my favorite movie. Long story: he didn’t bother to take any interest in the things that I enjoyed, and the movie was just an arbitrary symbol for everything that wasn’t working.” —Gabe, 24


4. “He wanted to have a threesome with me and my best friend. Became very clear that he just wanted to hook up with my best friend.” —Lara, 22


5. “It was about money. She came from a really wealthy family, and I grew up in a single parent household where we were constantly clipping coupons. It had never really been a problem before, but while planning our wedding, she started making all these demands that we really couldn’t afford. She wanted something huge and elaborate where everyone would go home with a f*cking diamond encrusted watch, and I wanted an intimate event that wouldn’t leave us broke. It came out that she figured I would work for her dad once we were married, and that’s when I figured it was time to end it. If that’s what our life was going to be like, I was never going to be happy.” —Nate, 29


6. “Is it cliché to say we fought about having kids? I wanted them, and he wanted to see where we were in four years.” —Molly, 27


7. “I lead an artistic life which means that some months I’m making pretty good money, and other months I can barely make rent. He thought that I had spent enough time trying to ‘make it’ as an artist, and should get a ‘real job.’ We stayed together for about a week before calling it quits.” —Clara, 30


8. “My girlfriend always had a hard time getting along with my sister, and last Thanksgiving they got into some ridiculous argument. It ruined the whole night, and I told her as much when we got home. She said some really inappropriate things about my sister, and then gave me an ultimatum. Her or my sister. Ummmmm yeah. I choose my family. Bye.” —Perry, 28


9. “It wasn’t really an argument, we just realized that our lives were heading in different directions. There was no fighting, just a really tearful discussion and good-bye.” —Jess, 26


10. “This is going to make me sound horrible, but we argued about his weight gain. I’m a personal trainer, so health is really important to me. When we first met five years ago, he was really fit and just as into eating well as I was. Then about three years into our relationship, something switched for him. He would eat more fast food and didn’t want to go on jogs with me like we used to. We both started going to therapy to try and figure out what was really happening, but he wasn’t really open to the idea. Ultimately, he thought I was being superficial, and I just could not live with someone with such a different lifestyle from myself.” —Melissa, 30


11. “We’d been dating since high school and just grew into different people. I went to a more liberal college than he did, and the longer we were together, the more I realized that we weren’t compatible anymore. I think the moment that did it in was when he said that Trump was actually making some good points during a debate. Like, no. Sorry, I cannot have children with a Trump supporter.” —Renée, 22


12. “I needed to move out of the city. The pace of everything was too much for me, and I knew that I would be miserable unless I moved to a slower area. She didn’t want to, so we decided that it was best if we ended things.” —Kate, 25


13. “I honestly can’t remember. By the end, we were so unhappy all of the time that any minor disagreement would evolve into a full-blown fight.” —Craig, 25 Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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