15 Lessons You Definitely Learned If You Grew Up On The Princess Bride

The Princess Bride
The Princess Bride

1. Always make sure that the words you use mean what you think they mean.

The Princess Bride
The Princess Bride

2. Always have a snappy comeback on standby.

The Princess Bride
The Princess Bride

3. Make sure to meet with people before you hire them to do anything important for you.

The Princess Bride
The Princess Bride

4. Always pay close attention to your first impressions of people.

The Princess Bride
The Princess Bride

5. This:

The Princess Bride
The Princess Bride

6. Listen to older people, they probably know more than you.

The Princess Bride
The Princess Bride

7. Always hope for the best.

The Princess Bride
The Princess Bride

8. This is the only acceptable way to address your enemies:

The Princess Bride
The Princess Bride

9. Never get too comfortable, because that’s when an R.O.U.S. is lurking around the corner.

The Princess Bride
The Princess Bride

10. Don’t be afraid too call people out when they’re bullshitting.

The Princess Bride
The Princess Bride

11. Be humble.

The Princess Bride
The Princess Bride

Otherwise no one will empathize with you when you stumble.

The Princess Bride
The Princess Bride

12. That saying about people in glass houses not throwing stones.

The Princess Bride
The Princess Bride

13. Brevity is underrated.

The Princess Bride
The Princess Bride

14. As is patience.

The Princess Bride
The Princess Bride

15. Don’t hesitate to help others.

The Princess Bride
The Princess Bride

About the author

Johanna Mort

I write things. Follow me on Facebook!

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