50 Things Real Adults Do That I Don’t Do
1. Make their bed. 2. Own a pet or a child. 3. Have a stress-free conversation with the mechanic. 4. Have more than one set of sheets.
- Make their bed
- Own a pet or a child
- Have a stress-free conversation with the mechanic
- Have more than one set of sheets
- sAvInGs aCcOuNt
- Wear jewelry
- Decorate their homes for holidays
- Remember birthdays
- Know what they are going to eat for a meal more than 5 minutes out
- Pack lunches
- Stay in hotels on vacation instead of your friend’s cool floor
- Watch TV news
- Networking
- Have a landline
- Care about their friend’s babies
- Drive to bars
- Live in the suburbs
- Avoid taking public transportation
- Get enough sleep
- Go to church > ~1x/year
- Get their cars detailed
- Mow a lawn
- Use coupons
- Bake things for people at work
- Make conversation with adult strangers
- Haven’t convinced their 11-year-old cousin they personally know Justin Bieber
- Shower before work + blow dry hair
- Natural look make-up
- Paint their nails with neutral colors
- Wear sandals that aren’t metallic flip-flops
- Matching place settings
- Own “place settings”
- Ask their dads for a favor without using a baby voice
- Wash clothes after each wear
- Use wash clothes
- Use shapewear
- Invest
- Refer to things as “investments”
- Feel ambivalent about getting something for free
- Subscribe to magazines they read regularly instead of buying them each month at the newsstand price
- Return library books
- Scrapbook
- Feel a genuine curiosity about the different types of wine
- Correct grammar
- Send faxes
- Keep important documents in a file cabinet/not throw them away in a feng shui attack
- Grow plants recreationally
- Vote for Republicans
- Watch network television shows
- Dream about retirement