13 Simple Steps To Make Any Girl Fall In Love With You

Find the perfect balance between trying hard and playing hard to get.


10. Have incredible sex.

The key point here is to make love, not to fuck. To perform the former, just remember the 4 C’s; kisses, cuddles, cunnilingus, and most importantly…condoms. (Yes, I know that “kisses” doesn’t technically start with a “C,” but don’t ruin the fun here.)

11. Wait for “What Are We?”

If you want the girl to fall for you, then it needs to be her asking this. It’ll come quicker if you perform steps 7, 8, 9, and 10 over and over again. It will come even faster if you’re still performing steps 1-10 on other women. Agree to be her boyfriend once she asks.

12. Put up with her flaws.

They’ll emerge once you’re exclusive. Accept her irrationalities. Adore her farts, complaints, and make-up-free face. Accompany her shopping. Fight your biological urge to flirt with other girls.

13. Drop the L-bomb.

I love you. If you’ve completed your dozen deeds with skill and competence, she’ll probably drop those three gorgeous words before you get the chance. It’s called the L-bomb because of the catastrophic effect it has on your heart, head, and emotions. Either way, you’re in love now.

How simple was that, then? Congratulations. You’re well on your way to marriage and then, statistically, a messy divorce, possibly via a couple of unwanted pregnancies.

Enjoy the ride. Thought Catalog Logo Mark