64 Things You Absolutely NEED To Do Before You ‘Settle Down’
Believe in something. It doesn’t have to be church or religion. But find something you genuinely believe in and let it shape you.
Jess Warner
Before you settle down, figure yourself out. Learn what you like, what you don’t like, what matters. Make mistakes and fall in love. Get lost, get annoyed, and get your shit together. No one said it was going to be perfect or easy, but you’ll thank yourself down the road.
1. Go on a road trip – on your own.
2. Learn how to drive manual. Yes, it’s terrifying. Do it anyway.
3. Learn to appreciate relationships, even if they aren’t meant to be. Not everyone that comes into your life is going to stay.
4. Buy a random book from the bookstore and read the whole thing, regardless of what it’s about.
5. Learn to cook one family recipe perfectly.
6. Let. Fucking. Go. Whatever that thing is that’s holding you back and ruining your shine… let it go. It’s not going to help you get any further in life, so just throw it out the window and start again.
7. Go an entire week without your cell phone. And don’t be dramatic. It’s not that bad.
8. Plan a dream vacation for you and your closest friends. Spend the time bathing in the bliss of true friendship and great weather.
9. Visit a nudist beach.
10. Rescue an animal (any animal) from the shelter and make them your best friend. Shelters have way more than just dogs.
11. Spend a weekend with your parents and remind them you love them. They’re the reason you are who you are.
12. Help your best friend plan their wedding.
13. Skinny dipping is fun – do it at least once.
14. Practice meditation. Go on a retreat if you can. You have no idea how much this will help ground you.
15. Go stargazing.
16. Go on a wine tour and get a little tipsy. Flirt with the tour guide if you want.
17. Train for something… A marathon, triathlon, long distance swim – whatever. Commit.
18. Save money for something you’ve always wanted and treat yourself. Even if it’s an entire paycheck…
19. Spend an entire weekend in your pj’s watching movies.
20. Learn to mix the perfect drink. Then invite your closest friends over to show off your skills.
21. Buy someone else a drink at the bar – just because you’re nice.
22. Survive heartbreak. It will hurt. It will suck. But you’re that much stronger on the other side.
23. Figure out your finances. Trust me, when you have some savings together when you are ready to settle down, you’ll thank yourself you were prepared for the future while still living in the present.
24. Live on your own.
25. Break a bad habit.
26. Have a summer fling. Nothing serious – but something fun.
27. Re-read a high school reading list. Chances are you’ll appreciate it more when you’re not being forced to read it.
28. Learn what you like in bed. Sex is WAY too important for it to be mediocre.
29. Drive a sports car.
30. Make mistakes and own up to them.
31. Do your best to learn a new language. You don’t have to be perfect at it, but at least you tried.
32. Go see a movie, alone.
33. Travel as much as you can. Things get complicated once you have kids, a house, car payments, and serious responsibilities.
34. Do something you hate. Not something you dislike, something you hate. Have an open mind and see if you can change your perspective.
35. Remove negativity from your life. Whether that’s people, things, habits, or places. Do what you need to do to be surrounded by positivity.
36. Have a night out with friends that ends with drunken giggles and cuddles.
37. Eat better.
38. Grow your own food.
39. Take care of your body. That means your skin, your hair, your teeth, your belly – everything. It’s your home.
40. Learn how to listen. Like actually listen.
41. Believe in something. It doesn’t have to be church or religion. But find something you genuinely believe in and let it shape you.
42. Go on a blind date.
43. Figure out how to keep a clean house. No one should be living in a pig pen.
44. Hold your best friend when they’re heartbroken.
45. Learn to enjoy solitude.
46. Become comfortable in your own skin. You’re too young and too beautiful to waste your time feeling insecure.
47. Book a one-way flight and figure it out when you get there.
48. Stop tanning. Your skin is precious.
49. Spend more time outside.
50. Swim in the ocean. Doesn’t matter which one. But at least one of them.
51. Do something you thought you’d never do. (Like skydiving…)
52. Get a tattoo that will always make you smile.
53. Learn to sew. You’ll really appreciate this when your pants need hemming and you don’t have time to take them to your grandma.
54. Be patient. Not everything is going to show up right when it feels like it should.
55. Discover what your favorite wine is. Red? White? Rose? This will take time, but it will be fun.
56. Learn how to show true appreciation, both verbally and by your actions.
57. Somewhat establish your career. You don’t need to be in the top 30 under 30, but set some goals and go for them.
58. Decorate your dream place. Whether it’s your first home or a small apartment, make it a perfect representation of you.
59. Delete some social media. You don’t have to delete everything, but cut ties with the apps that bring you down.
60. Learn how to show your emotions. Crying is okay.
61. Spend a weekend camping. Like, real camping. Not glamping in an RV – we’re talking in a tent on the ground…
62. Learn to care for your mental health. Everyone’s self-care habits will be different but prioritize them.
63. Fall in love.
64. Give someone a second chance. Who knows, it might be the best decision of your life.